SaFi Bank Space : 🟢 Sender Flow: 1. Scan QR Code of another SaFi Account to send Money

Key parent P fe story points be story points story points Status
SM-1434 Epic Transfer Money with QR/Barcode Medium 2.0 0.0 2.0 Done


Role: User


The user wants to scan/read the QR code and get the transaction details (name, account number).


The user will be able to get payment details (such as account number and beneficiary name) by scanning the QR code from an external source.

Functional requirements:

We should encrypt and be able to decrypt the account holder name and the corresponding account number while generating and recognizing the QR code.

UI requirements:

On the camera module, display a square where the QR code should be positioned in.

Process flow:

  1. Camera module is opened

  2. QR code is scanned

  3. Code is decrypted

  4. Data is correctly filled in on the “Send money to” panel

Execution steps:

  1. User is on “Payments” screen

  2. User taps on “Send”

  3. “Send money to” panel appears

  4. User selects “SaFi bank”

  5. User is navigated to “Send money to” screen

  6. User taps QR code button on the top right corner

  7. Camera module opens with rear camera’s picture

  8. User scans QR code

  9. User is navigated to “Send money to” panel

    1. “Receiver name” & “Account number” fields are filled with the data decrypted from the QR code

Internal dependencies:

“Payments” screen


🟣Beneficiary Flow: 2. Share QR Code as Image

External dependencies: -

Alternative scenarios:

  1. User is on “Shortcuts” panel

  2. User taps on “Send funds”

  3. “Send money to” panel appears

  4. User selects “SaFi bank”

  5. User is navigated to “Send money to” screen

  6. User taps QR code button on the top right corner

  7. Camera module opens with rear camera’s picture

  8. User scans QR code

  9. User is navigated to “Send money to” panel

    1. “Receiver name” & “Account number” fields are filled with the data decrypted from the QR code

Acceptance criteria:

  • the QR code is placed in “Send to” screen which is part of the Withdraw money (Send money) flow. There are 2 entry points to this screen:

    • user will choose “Payments” and then selects the “Send money” option

    • user will click on the “Shortcuts menu” and selects the “Send money” option

  • User clicks on the QR code icon and is asked to give permission to the camera on his/her device

  • the camera on user’s device is activated and the user can scan the QR code of another SaFi user account

  • Following data will be pre-populated in the text fields from the scanned QR code:

    • Legal name of the beneficiary

    • Account number of the beneficiary

  • the switcher between “Account number | Phone number” is still available to the user

  • the CTA button “Continue/Next” is available to the user

Links to wireframes/UI: