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SM-2068 Epic Top-up via Debit Card (Paynamics) | Only In App Medium 2.0 21.0 2.0 Done

Role: User


The user should be redirected to 3rd party screen and fill the form with the Debit card details.


The user will be able to fund SaFi account with money from chosen Debit Card but first he/she needs to input all the Debit card details into the form and approve the transaction.

Functional requirements:

Please, see the Technical analysis here >>

UI requirements:

The 3rd party screen is out of SaFi control.

Process flow:

User will be redirected and needs to fill in all the debit card details: cardholder name, card number, expiry date and CVV code within the 3rd party screens. The user needs to confirm the transaction and after that he/she will be redirected either back to SaFi app or to 3D secure verification (depends on the card provider).

Execution steps (Happy path):

Please, see the Technical analysis here >>

Internal dependencies:

🟢 3. Review the Transaction & Submit

External dependencies:

3rd party screens

3D Secure

Alternative scenarios: -

Acceptance criteria:

  • user was correctly redirected to 3rd party screen to fill the form related to Debit Card details

  • all of the following screens and transaction approval are out of SaFi control, including UI

  • user confirms the Debit card details within 3rd party screens and:

    • if the card provider has a 3D secure > user will be redirected to 3rd party screens for 3D secure verification

    • If the card provider does not have the 3D secure, user will be redirected back to SaFi app

Links to wireframes/UI: