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SM-2135 Epic Top-up via Debit Card (Paynamics) | Only In App Medium 2.0 3.0 3.0 Done


Role: User


The user should be able to see an overview of the transaction and check all of the details before he/she confirms the transaction and proceeds to the next step.


The user will be able to check and confirm the transaction, so that he/she can fund the SaFi account with money from chosen Debit Card.

Functional requirements:

Please, see the Technical analysis here >>

UI requirements:

All the details on the screen are in a read-only mode. If the user wants to change something, he/she should go back to the previous screens.

Process flow:

User can check all the transaction details and select a CTA button “Send” to continue and approve the transaction. If the user wants to change some of the details, he/she should go back to the previous screens.

Execution steps (Happy path):

Please, see the Technical analysis here >>

Internal dependencies:

🟢 2. Input Desired Amount & Submit Selection

External dependencies: -

Alternative scenarios: -

Acceptance criteria:

  • user will see an overview of the top-up transaction as read-only, which contains

    • account number of the user

    • note for myself

    • top-up amount

    • CTA button “Send”

Links to wireframes/UI: