SaFi Bank Space : 🟢 Sender Flow: 2. Fill in Amount to Pay and Reference & Review Details

Key parent P fe story points be story points story points Status
SM-1696 Epic Transfer Money with QR/Barcode Medium 1.0 3.0 Done


Role: User


The user wants to input the amount of money he/she wants to send to another beneficiary with SaFi account and add a reference note which is optional.


The user will be able to review the transaction details, such as beneficiary name, account number, the amount and note, so that he/she can correctly and easily send money to a beneficiary

Functional requirements:

Amount of money

  • the input field contains a static PESO sign

  • only the numeric keypad is provided once the user clicks on the field

  • the user can type numbers with a decimal separator (point/dot)

  • while typing larger numbers (more than 999), every 3 decimal places will be automatically separated with a comma

  • the system automatically compares the typed amount of money with the available balance on SaFi account

  • if the typed amount of money is more than the available balance, the transaction will fail

UI requirements: -

Process flow:

  1. Sender scans or uploads the QR code

  2. Sender adds transaction amount

    1. + note (optional)

  3. Sender reviews the transaction

  4. Sender authorizes themselves with the passcode

  5. If authorization is successful, the previously set amount of money is transferred to the beneficiary.

Execution steps:

  1. User is on “Send money to” screen

  2. User taps “Continue”

  3. User is navigated to the “Transaction details” screen with amount field

  4. User adds the amount s/he would like to send

  5. User can input also note for beneficiary (optional)

  6. User taps “Continue”

  7. “Review transaction” screen is displayed

  8. User taps “Send”

  9. User is navigated to the “Passcode” screen

  10. User adds his passcode

  11. User is navigated to the “Transaction successful” screen

  12. User taps “Close”

Internal dependencies:

🟢 Sender Flow: 1. Scan QR Code of another SaFi Account to send Money

🟢 Sender Flow: 1. Upload QR Code of another SaFi Account to send Money

External dependencies: -

Alternative scenarios:

  • Users can add a Note on “Transaction details” & “Review transactions“ screens

  • Users can tap “See transaction details” on the “Transaction successful” screen, to open the “Transaction details” screen

Acceptance criteria:

  • “Transaction Details” are displayed to the user with the following content:

    • information about the beneficiary name

    • input field for the Amount

    • information about the available account balance of the user

    • input field for the Note (optional)

  • manual input of the amount is provided to the user

  • the CTA button “Continue/Next” is available to the user

  • a “Review Transaction” screen is displayed to the user with all the details:

    • Sender name

    • Beneficiary name

    • Account number

    • Note for beneficiary (optional)

    • Date of the transaction

    • Amount

    • Transaction Fee

    • Total amount with fees

    • input field for “Note for myself” (optional)

    • CTA button “Confirm”

  • “Payment in Process” information screen is displayed to the user as a confirmation, that the user submitted the transaction request

  • User is able to display Transaction details by clicking on the hyperlink “See transaction detail”

Links to wireframes/UI: