SaFi Bank Space : Customer Dashboard - Satisfaction Scores [tile]




SM-2652 - BO: Customer dashboard In Progress


SAF-887 - Customer Dashboard - Satisfaction Scores [tile] Backlog



Role: BOFE user (access matrix)

Objective: As a BOFE user, I want to see the NPS & CSAT scores so that I know how satisfied the customer is.

Reason: Meiro will collect customer satisfaction through various inputs and feedback and is capable of calculating the NPS (Net Promoter Score) & CSAT (Customer Satisfaction) scores.

NPS average score (1-9) and CSAT feedback (sum of (thumbs up) and sum of (thumbs down) ) will be displayed on the Customer Dashboard View so that agent can see the actual customer satisfaction and act accordingly.

If available, the full list of NPS and CSAT responses will be available upon click in a modal view. This view will include scrollable list with date for feedback, actual feedback and text reason in case of negative feedback (for CSAT).

NPS (Net promoter score) range is 1 to 9. If the aggregated sum is higher than 7 change colour to green. If less then 7, the colour is red.

CSAT (customer satisfaction score) are two aggregated sums of positive feedback (thumbs up) and negative feedback (thumbs down). If the positive feedback is at least 75% of all feedbacks show big thumbs up icon. If less than 75%, show big thumbs down icon.

External dependencies:

Each feedback will be posted to Kafka, and Meiro will collect the feedback and calculate the sum or average scores. Meiro will also provide the full list of feedbacks via Audience API endpiont.

Acceptance Criteria: Display NPS average score and CSAT average score, retrieved via Meiro API and displayed on the Customer Dashboard. Upon click, the list of all available responses will be displayed in a modal view.