

SM-1059 - BO: Cards edit In Progress


SAF-939 - Blocking / unblocking amount (for incoming transactions) Ready for Testing



 NOTE: duplicate to Flagged transaction reject/release

Role: System / BOFE user (access matrix)

Objective: As a BOFE user, I want to unblock incoming transactions / amount, when issues have been resolved.

Reason: System will automatically lock transaction(s) amount for user, until reconciled, or flagged issues by slacker / customer are manually resolved.

Functional requirements:

Amount is blocked by system:

  • If transaction is flagged by slacker - then transaction is not directly posted - it will be on Pending status in BOFE, Jira ticket will be created and will be subject to manual investigation, with possible outcomes: <BOFE should enable user to be able to approve or reject the pending transaction>

    • approved: amount will be unblocked, settled and credited to beneficiary

    • rejected: transaction will be cancelled = amount will be unblocked, and settlement will need to be adjusted

Until transactions that are flagged are resolved, they will be not settled in reconciliation process.

Acceptance criteria:

Amount for flagged transactions by slacker, until manually resolved (accepted/rejected) by Back-Office and will be reconciled afterwards.
