SM-984 - Add fixed fee after 30th day for OD loan Done

Epic: SM-960 - Repay an overdraft before 60th day Done
Priority: as per Jira
Effort estimate: as per Jira
Review status: ready to review

Role: system

Objective: if user is late with OD repayment, a fixed fee has to be added to his loan

Reason: to motivate people to repay on time

Functional requirements: pls see the technical documentation here Loans Technical documentation

UI requirements:

  • Be transparent at all time with the client, that a fee will be applied if he/she’s delayed with repayment

  • Fee should always be displayed, not just mentioned. Always in pesos amount and not in %

  • Fee should be displayed already when user is getting the loan and should not change during the lifetime of the loan.

  • On the overdraft activity screen, the fee should be a separate item and not added to the outstanding loan. So for a $250 OD, the ‘upcoming payment’ part in activity should have the following items:

    • During grace period:

      • $250 loan

    • Missing the first due date:

      • $250 loan

      • $3.5 late fee

    • Missing the second due date:

      • $250 loan

      • $3.5 late fee

      • $…. daily accrued fee

Process flow:

  • #3 in the workflow Overdraft Technical documentation, the unhappy path if customer does not have enough balance to repay the loan on time, including both scenarios

    • Has enough balance to cover the fee

    • Has no balance to cover the fee

Execution steps: pls see the technical documentation here Loans Technical documentation

Internal dependencies:

  • n/a

External dependencies:

  • n/a

Alternative scenarios:

  • No alternatives, OD can not be offered without such fee

Acceptance criteria:

  • Fee could increase if the OD amount if increasing, it's based on product parameters

  • Fee is booked after 1 month, if no early repayment was done

    • Holidays, weekends will not be considered, due dates are not going to move

    • SaFi can create payment holidays, this will of course move the fee booking

  • If the fee can not be autodeducted, the logic of posting against the main account should be the same as with any other delayed payments. Covered in another Epic due to its complexity.

Links to wireframes/UI: