SAF-1404 - BO: Genesys integration Backlog


SM-1113 - Calling customer authentication Done



Role: As a BOFE user, I want to know if I am talking to the real account holder - authenticated customer and can proceed with his requests, or share sensitive information.

Objective: To determine customer authenticity by asking questions that only he/she can answer.

Functional requirements:

There are three scenarios for calling customer authentication:

[1] Customer is calling from app and verified number

This customer calls through the app and his intention is recorded by iam-manager. BOFE and Genesys will verify this information when customer calls.

This customer profile will have visible mark in BOFE, as Authenticated. No further action is required and agent may proceed with customer inquiries.

[2] Customer is not calling from app, but from known (verified) number

This customer profile will have visible mark in BOFE, as NOT Authenticated and authentication modal will appear with security questions.

3 security questions and at least 2 correct answers will be required:

  1. How much was your last transaction?

  2. Where is your place of birth?

  3. How much money do you have in your main savings account?

For each question, BOFE will display the appropriate answer (last transaction, place of birth, balance of the main account) and will display for the the callcenter agent.

Each question will have checkmark to be ticked in case customer will answer correctly.

[3] Customer is calling not from app, and not from verified number

Same process as in [2] applies, but with 5 questions, and at least 3 needs to be answered correctly to proceed with the call:

  1. When was your last transaction?

  2. How much was the amount involved in that last transaction?

  3. Where is your place of birth?

  4. How much money do you have in your main savings account?

  5. When is your birthdate?

Questions answered correctly above minimum threshold

Answers will be logged, and following confirmation will appear:

Congratulations - Customer is fully authenticated

Customer will be marked as Verified in iam-manager and BOFE.

Questions answered correctly below minimum threshold

In case the customer will fail to answer questions above the minimum threshold, this will be marked in log and iam-manager, and following confirmation will appear:

Unfortunately we cannot proceed further any account related queries/requests - please ask the customer to contact us directly via the app if he/she has access to it at the moment.

Customer will be marked as Not Verified in iam-manager and BOFE.

Internal requirements:


External requirements:


Design requirements:

Acceptance criteria: When customer is calling and his profile is opened via Genesys system, authenticated checkmark will be visible. If calling from app, customer is considered authenticated. If calling not from app, but verified number, customer is considered partially verified and needs to answer 2 out of 3 questions correctly. If customer is calling from unverified number, customer needs to answer correctly at least 3 out 5 questions. Modal window with questions will be triggered automatically and answers will be logged. Appropriate success / fail message will be displayed.