SM-2527 - BO: Customer summary Done


SM-2783 - Customer Summary Done



Role: As a BOFE user, I want to see customer personal and additional information all the time, while navigating the BOFE app.

Objective: While working on particular subpages, the main summary of the customer is still relevant and should be visible.

Functional requirements:

Customer summary will be header component visible on all (customer-related) pages and subpages, except search, dashboard and user/reports subpages (action menu).

Customer Summary will have several blocks with grouped data:

  1. SaFi Values: Display SaFi Values

  2. Customer full name

    1. Customer id, that can be copied

  3. Customer information

    1. Current subscription plan

    2. Tone of voice

    3. NPS score: SAF-886 - Get NPS & CSAT score Backlog

    4. CSAT score: SAF-886 - Get NPS & CSAT score Backlog

  4. Accounts balance

    1. Main account balance

    2. Pockets (number) and overall balance

    3. Total Balance

  5. Loans balance

    1. Personal loan balance

    2. Overdraft balance

    3. Total balance

  6. Upsell opportunities Upsell and Cross-sell Products Page

Design requirements:

NPS (Net promoter score) range is 1 to 9. If the aggregated sum is higher than 7 change colour to green. If less then 7, the colour is red.

CSAT (customer satisfaction score) are two aggregated sums of positive feedback (thumbs up) and negative feedback (thumbs down). If the positive feedback is at least 75% of all feedbacks change the colour to green. If less than 75%, the colour is red.

Acceptance criteria: Component will be visible on all pages and sub-pages regarding customer, except Dashboard and Profile. Upsell and NPS, CSAT score is not yet available - dependent on Meiro.

Properly fetched and rendered:

  • Name + id,

  • Customer information

    • Subscription

    • Tone of voice

  • Accounts balance

    • Main account balance

    • Pockets balance

    • Total balance

  • Loans balance

    • Personal loan balance

    • Overdraft balance

    • Total balance