Epic: SM-36 - ONB: Get onboarded - KYC Done
User story: SM-2666 - Customer video call for verification - Scheduled Done


User story: As a customer I want to schedule a video KYC call with a bank agent so that my verification can be completed.

Role: Customer

Objective: To schedule a video KYC call between Customer and the bank agent in case when video KYC call is required.

Reason: It is required to schedule a vKYC call in case when a scheduled call is chosen by Customer or no immediate call is available (Customer video call for verification - Immediate )

Functional requirements:
Setting the scheduled call:

  1. Customer opts for the scheduled call on the final vKYC screen at the end of the onboarding flow https://www.figma.com/file/dkDQHRa1zq7tU58MiL6hBR/SaFi---UI---MVP-(Shared)?node-id=5407%3A34944 OR

  2. Customer closes the call while waiting in the queue and sets up the scheduled call OR

  3. Agent closes the call due to a weak internet connection and the push notification is sent to the Customer for the scheduled call.

Executing the scheduled call:

  1. Customer receives a push notification about upcoming video KYC call 10 minutes before due time.

  2. Customer receives a push notification in due time

  3. Customer will initiate a video KYC call by clicking on push notification

After setting a video KYC call, the next steps follow according to:
Customer video call for verification - Immediate

UI requirements: SM-2256 - DES: Final screen with vKYC Done

Process flow: N/A

Execution steps: See Functional requirements

Internal dependencies: N/A

External dependencies: vKYC platform / AAI

Alternative scenarios:
Customer video call for verification - Immediate

Acceptance criteria:
See Functional requirements.

Links to wireframes/UI:https://www.figma.com/file/0LEEFZgkUnPkPTkY9PMREt/SaFi---WF-%26-UI-(Shared)?node-id=1946%3A23531