SM-983 - Early repayment OD - before 60th day Done
Epic: SM-960 - Repay an overdraft before 60th day Done
Priority: as per Jira
Effort estimate: as per Jira
Review status: ready to review

Role: client

Objective: to repay the outstanding, delayed overdraft loan after a grace period but before the 60th day

Reason: so clients can repay the delayed debt before the due date (60th day)

Functional requirements: pls see the technical documentation here Loans Technical documentation

UI requirements:

  • Client should be warned that the debt is already due.

  • Client should be aware that the best if he/she early repays it asap, as the later he/she repays the more his/her credit score declines.

  • Client should be aware that other loans are not accessible due to his delayed OD loan.

Process flow:

Execution steps:

Internal dependencies:

External dependencies:

  • n/a

Alternative scenarios:

  • The client manually creates a transfer to the bank’s internal technical account, adds the LoanID to the comment field of the transactions and BO should manually match it with the OD.

Acceptance criteria:

  • The early repayment buttons (Overdraft center, Payment calendar’s specific upcoming payment item) are always accessible

  • Only the full outstanding loan amount can be manually repaid, no partial repayment is available

    • As the fee is autodeducted (if enough balance on the main account), the manual repayment will always be the loan amount only.

  • Fee is autodeducted, if balance is available. Otherwise, posted against the main account and waiting for incoming funds.

  • Client can select multiple accounts to repay from

  • Client can only select a non-locked subaccount to repay from

  • The balances of accounts (used for repayment) are in line with the balance shown in other parts of the app

  • Client is notified about the successful repayment

  • Client is redirected to Loans Overview screen once OD repayment is done

Links to wireframes/UI: