SM-982 - Early repayment OD - grace period Done
Epic: SM-960 - Repay an overdraft before 60th day Done
Priority: as per Jira
Effort estimate: as per Jira
Review status: ready to review

Role: client

Objective: to manually repay the outstanding overdraft loan at grace period anytime (the first month), for free

Reason: so clients don’t need to wait until the end of grace period to repay an OD

Functional requirements: pls see the technical documentation here Loans Technical documentation

UI requirements:

  • nothing additional to the wireframes

Process flow:

  • Flow #6 on the workflow diagram: Overdraft Technical documentation

  • Additions to the diagram for this user story:

    • There are no fees or IR charged on the loan, as this is the grace period

Execution steps:

Internal dependencies:

  • Intrabank payment from users' accounts to the bank’s technical account

External dependencies:

  • n/a

Alternative scenarios:

  • The client manually creates a transfer to the bank’s internal technical account, adds the LoanID to the comment field of the transactions and BO should manually match it with the OD.

Acceptance criteria:

  • Early repayment buttons (Overdraft center, Payment calendar’s specific upcoming payment item) are always accessible if user is within grace period

  • Only the full outstanding amount can be repaid, no partial OD repayment

  • The repaid amount consists of all OD amounts which were credited to the client’s account during the grace period (as the client can increase the OD amount to the maximum of credit limit, in multiple rounds)

  • Client can select a non-locked subaccount to repay from too (TBD with tech team if possible)

  • The balances of accounts (used for repayment) are in line with the balances shown in other parts of the app

  • No fees are charged for repayment

  • Client is notified about the successful repayment

  • Client is redirected to Loans Overview screen once OD repayment is done

  • The balances on the dashboard are updated after a successful repayment

  • New OD offer is available after successful repayment (in rare cases, credit line recalculation or fraud detection might not allow users to get another OD, but in most cases, there should be a new offer)

Links to wireframes/UI: