SaFi Bank Space : Engineering handover - IAM

Handover Checklist

This is the list of what should be handed over (checked by SaFi side after handed over), and also it is a good agenda for the handover meeting:

  • Jira - how is the work managed, how to work with it
  • Confluence - how is documentation structured, brief overview
  • 3rd parties - what, for what, where it is documented
  • Contact persons/channels - for 3rd parties, product, …
  • Credentials - where are they, haw are they managed
  • Dev level test - what is covered, what not, where to put focus, where to be careful
  • Bugs/VAPT findings - which are there for SaFi to pick up
  • Planed development for MVP (not business features) - what we were planning to do till the end of January (NFRs, tests, tech debt…)
  • Ownership handover
  • For developers (workshop, and maybe they already know)
  • FE (handover to DK team)

    • common FE handover on 28 November (Monday) 8:30-9:30 CET

    • IAM specific FE handover at 30 November (Wednesday) 8:30-10:00 CET

      1. VIDA plugin

      2. New device onboarding journey design

      3. Session management

      4. Alert Anti fraud and monitoring

      5. Login and Tracing

      6. Leftover tasks

  • 2nd BE handover session at 29 November (Tuesday) 8:30-10:30 CET

    • Back-office (OKTA custom token solution)

    • S2S

      • current istio based solution

      • new infra change proposal


[describe briefly if you have any specifics how is the work in Jira organized]


How we work for definition of Done

We create tickets for the user story (type: Story) and add all other tickets via the “depends on“ link type. One important dependency is the “Technical analysis“ ticket (type: Technical story) which covers the technical analysis and the design for the user story.

Hygiene filters for IAM for ticket health


[If necessary, describe specifics]

Solution Blueprint - high level: IAM Domain

IAM Domain pages - more details: Domain: IAM

All the user stories (except very small ones) have the technical assessment with sequence diagrams.

3rd parties

[what, for what, where it is documented]



email list: both Rix and Ivan are on the list

weekly sync (Wednesday, 11am CET): both Rix and Ivan are invited, meeting handed over

Sambit Kumar Dash <> - PM(?) (UTC+05:30 - IST)

Srinath Venkataramani <> - Tech lead(?) (UTC+05:30 - IST)

Gints Osis <> - developer (UTC+2 - EET)


Contact Ion Mudreac


[Describe important persons and communication channels (e.g. with 3rd party in Lark)]


  • Product: IAM - Rix is on the channel


  • squad-iam - Rix, Ivan are on the channel


[Where are they stored, how are they managed…]

All credentials (VIDA, OKTA, Ably) are stored in Hashicorp Vault:

We do not have any other access to VIDA systems.

Rix is already an admin in OKTA (

For Ably, the contact is Andre Laksmana (Unlicensed) (FE lead @ DK) or DevOps.

Dev level test

[Describe briefly what is covered, what not, where to put focus, where to be careful]

Current line coverage is >80% ( ) so almost everything is covered:

Enrico Benedict Quiñones (Unlicensed) was the delegate in the test workshops by Slavo and also attended the “Workshop - Standard of SaFi Automation Test“ on 18 November. His assignment in the IAM was improving the test coverage ( SM-7125 - IAM: Test coverage In Progress )

VIDA planned a new service release which will allow an arbitrary public key to be registered with them that allows signature generation without a mobile phone (and without the requirement of storing the private key in secure store). Note that this is for developers / testers only, not needed for production. (More details here:

Bugs/VAPT findings

[Which are there for SaFi to pick up]

Contact is User b6b4a.

Planed development for MVP

[What did you planned to deliver which is not business feature.]

Risky items from the current sprint

Hopefully many of these items can be finished in a best effort basis.

  • VAPT: SM-7444 - SaFi-2022-21 SaFi Mobile Lack of Logout Functionality Done

    • Needs design for the login / logout flow.

  • SM-6489 - [FE] Prepare for VIDA security turn on Done

    • Depends on SM-7624 - Update VIDA iOS SDK in the app Done and we need to agree on a time for VIDA to do the DB migration.

  • SM-5784 - Implement credential state update To Do

    • We may not need this at all…

  • SM-5786 - Slacker integration To Do

    • Are the audit logs enough?

  • SM-5514 - Devise a way to list makers for a given checker To Do

    • This is nice-to-have only.

  • SM-6344 - Implement the PoC version of the "Authorizer" approach In Progress

    • We’ll see how much time Tadeas will have next week…

Other tickets

Assuming all the above tickets will be finished in the current sprint, the following items are for MVP but not yet finished and also not business features:

Features that are emerging from WIP: IT Regulatory Checklist (IT RM, BSP MORB 148) (contanct person: User b6b4a)

SM-7294 - Create component tests for audit logging in IAM Manager To Do

SM-5785 - [NFR] Implement idempotency for IAM services In Progress

SM-7382 - [NFR] Input sanitization - IAM squad To Do

SM-7400 - [NFR] Data privacy - endpoint exposure - IAM squad To Do

Other NFRs that does not yet have a ticket…

Action Items

  • Invite Rix to Product: IAM Lark channel
  • Migrate ownership of scrum meetings
  • Decide whether separate meetings are needed for future features
  • Sync with back-office team about the custom token solution SM-7839 - Utilize IAM's bank user group support Cancelled