Inbound call (Customer calling)

  • If customer is verified-Greet the customer (Customer is already verified in App).

  • If customer is not verified -Verification happens. (CX authentication document)

    • Customer called from un registered number and entered collections queue

  • Regulatory disclosure prior to servicing.

  • Inform Client of the payment due. (Collect)

    • If delinquent and or is in the range of Pre to Early Collections (DPD 1-60) inform customers of amount due and ask them to pay.

    • If delinquent but is handled by special groups. (Field, External agency, Legal)

      • Customer is referred to the handling queue.

        • If Agency agency contact info is provided

        • If field Jira ticket is logged for field Collections concern (Jira Ticket)

        • If for Legal - Contact information is collected for legal call back (Jira Ticket)

  • If not delinquent verify the customer and provide customer care no. Then warm transfer to the next available custcare rep.(But IVR should filter client beforehand)


Happy Path

  • If delinquent and collected (PTP)

    • Wrap Up code / Note-(Loxon)

    • Servicing in Loxon

      • Due change

      • Waiver of penalties

      • Others

    • Creation of Jira tickets as applicable for endorsement to other groups in the bank as applicable.

      • Request for manual posting.

      • Complain

    • CSAT

Alternative Path

  • If not collected/ No PTP

    • Educate the customer on delinquency status.

      • (Consequence benefits of paying ontime)-Reason for Delinquency tagging.

    • Wrap up code/Note (Loxon)

    • Creation of Jira ticket -if applicable for endorsement

      • Potential Fraud

      • Death Suspicios

    • CSAT

Mock-up screen for Inbound collections

*The screen in inbound should display the LOXON screen immediately.

-if by any circumstance the customer account displayed is the wrong customer -Loxon will be able to fetch the correct account.

Technical requirements

As the account enters the collections queue.

  1. Genesys should fetch the information from LOXON

    1. IVR determine if the account has a collections flag.

    2. If and when the account is forwarded or sent thru CC because tit is from a registered number.

      1. CC should verify the account and warm transfer the said account to collections.

    3. If the account was a call back from a an outbound call. the account should go straight into the collections queue.

  2. Loxon screen is simultaneously opened once the customer is on the line

  3. Disposition of account is tagged in Loxon but should also appear in the Genesys log

  4. Loxon will have the capability to get the information if the account reflected is not of the customer.

    1. Ref. to scenario- 1.C


Process flow

Highlevel Process flow of calls.

  1. Clients makes a call to the Banks number.

  2. Client passes thru the Banks IVR to be screened

    1. If the account has no collections flag-Goes to Customer Care

    2. If client has a collections flag-Forwarded to Collections queue

    3. If the client uses a number not recognized it goes to Customer care immediately for verification.

      1. If has collections flag the account shall be passed over to the collections team for handling.

  3. Client is to be verified via Loxon data.

    1. If client comes from warm transfer the from CC. It is assumed verified

    2. If client is unverified refer to CX authentication document

  4. Client is serviced for collection

    1. If for other collections group -It is immediately referred to that collections group for disposition.

  5. If client has other concern after serviced.

    1. if concern is serviceable on collections end (Due date change, Request for SOA, Penalty waiver, Posting of payment, Complaints) it will be addressed. And A Jira ticket will be raised for documentation (Maybe optional)

    2. If not -Jira ticket is raised for endorsement to another department for service of investigation.

      1. Potential Fraud

      2. Death Suspicious

5. CSAT transfer

*CSAT transfer should be automated Reps should have no option on transferring the call or no

Inbound entry via IVR

For Collections inbound.

Call are routed via;

  1. Client initiated calling via registered number

  2. Client calling via a call back to an outbound call initiated by out bound collections


  1. Client called bank’s number.

  2. IVR pre screens number.

    1. Registered

    2. Unregistered

  3. If registered and has a collections flag.

    1. Call is routed to collections.

    2. If has a collections flag and it is out of the business hours of collections;

      1. Call is routed to an IVR

      2. Option for a collections call back is provided to the customer.

  4. If unregistered number.

    1. Call is routed to customer care

    2. If account has been identified in the call as having a collections flag.

      1. Call is verified then the below actions happens;

        1. If collections is on its operating hrs. forwards the call to Collection. (See inbound process flow diagram)

        2. If collections is out of office hours

          1. A collections call back via Jira ticket shall be raised by customer care for a collections call back.