

SM-1052 - BO: Loans view Done


SM-1077 - Loans list view Done




Role: BOFE user (see access matrix)

Objective: As a BOFE user, I want to be able to see loans of that customer, including closed / finished / delinquent, aside from the current active ones and the loan details.

Reason: Overview on loan products for particular customer

Functional requirements:

There are two type of loans in BOFE

  • Personal loans

    • User can have only one active personal loan

    • The current active personal loan and detail will be displayed in Personal loans page Loan accounts details view

    • Past personal loans info will be available in the modal window list

  • Overdraft

    • Overdraft can be continuously repaid and taken again

    • Overdraft status and detail will be displayed in Overdraft page Overdraft View

UI requirements: Personal Loans page with active loan details. Past loans list to view previously availed loans. Overdraft page.

Links to wireframes/UI:

Acceptance criteria: User can see the list of all loan products per particular customer in two separate pages: Personal Loans, Overdraft.