SM-976 - OD educational screens Done

Epic: SM-959 - Get an overdraft Resolved
Priority: as per Jira
Effort estimate: as per Jira
Review status: approved

Role: client

Objective: want to learn about the loans in general

Reason: to make sure that clients understand the rules and the boundaries of a loan that SaFi is offering

Functional requirements: n/a

UI requirements: Same solution for PL and OD, but with different content. Instead of fixed texts and pictures, videos might be used for a better educational experience

Process flow: please refer to the wireframes

Execution steps: n/a

Internal dependencies: none

External dependencies: none

Alternative scenarios: completely remove the screens from the flow and skip them

Acceptance criteria:

  1. The screens are similar to other educational screens within the app (e.g. Creating new Pockets, etc.)

  2. Each of the three pages has different content

  3. The content of the screen differs for PD and for OD, though could be the same if that makes sense

  4. Skip button ( 'x' ) on the top forwards clients to the OD/PL Center screen

  5. Out of the three, the last screen has an action button that forwards users to the Get Loan screen

  6. The progress bar on the top of the screen shows the correct place where the client is

  7. Video scenario for loans?

Links to wireframes/UI: wireframes: