SaFi Bank Space : Logout from app automatically due to inactivity

Epic: SM-1813 - IAM: Logout from the app Done
JIRA: SM-1837 - Logout (end session) from app automatically due to inactivity plus Login non first time Done
Effort estimate:
Review status: in preparation/ready to review/approved

As a Customer I want to be automatically logged out due to inactivity so that my data stays secure

Role: Customer



Functional requirements:

Definition of inactivity:

  • the user does not use the app for 5 min

  • time outside the app is being considered as part of 5min inactivity timescale

  • the phone is locked

  • switching between apps is not considered an inactivity (e.g. for copy paste)

The end session is called when inactivity happens and display non first login page - provide passcode/fingerprint/faceId

UI requirements: screen with message to the customer that due to inactivity customer has two options, to continue using app or end session.

Process flow:

Execution steps:

Internal dependencies: Logout from app

External dependencies: n/a

Alternative scenarios: n/a

Acceptance criteria:

  • Customer is logged in and if not using the app for 5 mins the system will automatically end session and display non first login page - provide passcode/fingerprint/faceId (time outside the app is being considered as part of 5min inactivity timescale).

  • Customer is logged in, if customer locks its phone it will be automatically end session from the app.

  • Customer is logged in, leaves the app and goes into another app and comes back to the app (remains logged in)

Links to wireframes/UI:
