

SM-1051 - BO: Maker - checker workflow Done


SM-1132 - FE: Maker/checker list Done



Role: BOFE maker / checker roles (based on the OKTA setup)


As a BOFE checker, I want to see pending requests that I need to approve / reject.
As a BOFE maker, I want to see pending requests that I requested for approval.

Reason: I need to see all pending requests at one place with ability to filter and view detailed info.

UI Requirements:

  • Checker view with pending approvals

  • Maker page view with my requests waiting for approval

Functional requirements:

Maker / Checker page view, where checker will see the list of requests to be checked and approved / rejected. Maker will see the list of his requests that were not checked, yet. Checker that can approve the changes will have additional option to approve or reject change. Filter applies for both maker and checker.


Filter by:

  • Date (from, to)

  • Status (Waiting for approval, approved)

  • Change target (customer profile, cards)

  • Customer Id (search field)

  • Jira ticket Id (search field)


  • Reset button

  • Apply filter button

List view

  • Date (of request)

  • Ticket - as link to open Jira in new window to examine the history

  • Creator (Maker)

  • Approver (Checker)

  • Change target (Customer profile, Cards)

  • Description - What was changed (“Customer profile changed“) + link to that particular BOFE section (page, if applicable).

  • Status (“Waiting for approval”)

Upon clicking on details, the modal window will be presented with the same information (of original state and the new state (change)), and two additional buttons:

  • APPROVE button (if not already done and closed)

  • REJECT button (if not already done and closed)

See Checker change rejection / approval and Maker-checker flows for actual flows and triggering notifications after approving or rejecting the requests.

Pagination - latest 10 requests with pagination and dropdown to show more per page.

Checker should close the ticket in Jira manually.

Checker can approve / reject request only from entity (e.g. accounts) that he is part of (in that group in OKTA).

Rule that any request can’t be self-checked (meaning the maker = checker) should be introduced to avoid possible errors when changing roles for users.

Acceptance criteria: List of change requests (maker/checker) with filter (date, status, change type, customer id, ticket id) and table view of (date, ticket, creator, approver, change target, description, status) in rows with ability to approve or reject the change if applicable.