

SM-1051 - BO: Maker - checker workflow Done


SM-1133 - FE: Checker change rejection/approval Done



Role: BOFE checker (based on the OKTA setup)

Objective: As a BOFE checker, I want to approve or reject changes

Reason: As checker, I need to see what change was proposed, by whom and why, so I can review and decide if they should be approved (updated) or rejected (discarded).

Functional requirements:


Upon reviewing the proposed changes in modal view (and additional information, like Jira ticket), the Approve change button can be clicked and the approve flow triggered:

  1. change will be marked as pending

  2. approval logged in the audit log

  3. change will be executed

  4. change logged in the audit log

  5. notification for Maker will be triggered, see: Maker notifications

  6. confirmation dialog will be displayed

See Maker-checker flows for detailed flows and triggering notifications.


Proposed changes can be rejected by clicking the Reject change button and rejection flow triggered:

  1. change marked as rejected

  2. rejection logged in the audit log

  3. notification for Maker will be triggered, see: Maker notifications

  4. confirmation dialog will be displayed

Ascertain that approval / rejection actions can be done only once by introducing idempotency and correctly changing the request status.

Acceptance criteria: After clicking approve or reject in the modal view, acceptance / rejection flows will be triggered and in correct order, without errors.