SM-981 - OD restriction - no transfer to other accounts Done

SM-980 - OD restriction - no cash withdrawal Done

Epic: SM-959 - Get an overdraft Resolved
Priority: as per Jira
Effort estimate: as per Jira
Review status: in review

Role: system

Objective: restrict clients from turn OD to cash and SaFi loosing trace of the money (either in cash withdrawal or to transfer to another account)

Reason: OD is about building credit history with SaFi, if users cashout OD we have no way to understand their behavior.

Functional requirements: conditions to apply for the execution of US

UI requirements:

  • As per the wireframes, explain these restrictions in a transparent way before someone gets an OD.

Process flow:

  • n/a

Execution steps:

Internal dependencies:

  • Restrictions are delivered by the Accounts squad

External dependencies: (3rd party prerequisites)

  • n/a

Alternative scenarios: (what would happen if not done (optional))

  • n/a

Acceptance criteria: conditions under which the US is considered as accepted (for testing)

  • Client can not withdraw the outstanding OD amount from main account. Meaning that if the main account balance is lower than their OD, then no money can be withdrawn from that account.

  • Client can not transfer the outstanding OD amount to another account.

  • Client is notified why the withdrawal/transfer was unsuccessful.

Links to wireframes/UI:

  • n/a