

SM-1060 - BO: Cards status view Resolved


SM-1108 - Ordered card details view Done



Role: BOFE user (access matrix)

Objective: As a BOFE user, I want to see a delivery status and address, to be able to provide information to customer, or delivery partner.

Reason: After new card is requested and ordered, customer may inquire about the current delivery status.

Functional requirements:

Ordered cards main area will contain delivery status, contact and log.

Delivery status

Display current delivery status and delivery information:

  • Status (Processing, Ready to ship, Shipped, Delivered)

  • Tracking number

  • Expected date of arrival SM-6190 - Display expected delivery date for card Done

Delivery contact

Display delivery address:

  • phone

  • email

  • country

  • province

  • city

  • barangay

  • zipCode

  • Recipient #1 (approved person name by customer, that can receive the package)

  • Recipient #2 (approved person name by customer, that can receive the package) SM-7480 - Add card delivery Authorised Recipients to delivery contact information Accepted

Delivery status log

Display delivery log: Card delivery history view

Link to wireframe/UI:

Acceptance criteria: Ordered card main detail view will include blocks with accurate card status, card delivery contact, and delivery status log (separate story).
