SaFi Bank Space : Paynamics Service Agreement and Support

PTI - Paynamics Technologies Inc., a corporation duly organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the Philippines, with principal address at 1108 Cityland 10, Tower 2 H.V. Dela Costa St. Salcedo Village, Makati City Philippines, represented herein by its Chief Financial Officer, ESTHER P. MAGLEO, and hereinafter referred to as “PTI”.

Included Support

PTI Customer Support is the single point of contact for all issues in relation to the provision of a live service for Customer. Merchant must notify PTI of problems either by email or telephone, and should include full details together with a requested Priority (see next section on incident categorization).

Merchant can contact PTI Customer Support using the contact methods listed below during the normal hours of support. Outside the hours you can contact the emergency support number listed below if you are experiencing technical problems regarding service availability. We will not accept calls directly from Merchant’s own MERCHANTs.

Customer Support (Normal Hours)

Emergency Support (Outside Normal Hours)


-same as normal hours-

Tel: +63.2.330.8772 | +63.2.751.0592 Skype Name:

-same as normal hours-

Support SLA

PTI’s service target for the availability of the PTI Payments and Collections Service is 99.95% during scheduled hours, excluding scheduled maintenance and other Third Party (i.e. Bank, ISP) Provider downtime. This target relates to the access Merchant has to the API service of Paygate.

Scheduled maintenance of up to 2 hours per month will be taken but PTI will provide at least one business day notice to Merchant of these scheduled outages. Very rarely a larger maintenance window may be required; in this instance your account manager, Technical Department or a notice from the Merchant Support Center will discuss this and agree a mutually acceptable time.

Support Severity/Response Times

Customer Support Response Times

The following Priority chart shows the target response times for Merchant support in managing issues reported at various priority levels.

  • The Target Incident Acknowledgement Time is the time merchant support has to respond to Merchant to acknowledge receipt of an issue and that it is being actively investigated. The times provided are applicable during normal support hours (see Hours of Support, earlier). Outside of normal support hours all reasonable endeavors will be used to respond within a reasonable timeframe.

  • The Target Status Update Time is the interval that merchant support has to update Merchant on issue status.

  • The Target Resolution Time is the total time from issue acknowledgment to issue resolution. This value is quoted on a reasonable endeavors basis.


Target Acknowledgement Time 

IT Operational issues 

Busines related issues 

Target Status Update Time 

Target Resolution Time 

Target Status Update Time 

Target Resolution Time 

1 Hour 

At least twice a day 

4 hours or less for major IT systems problems. 


1 business day 

4 Hours 

At least once a day 

8 hours or less for IT systems problems. 

Every 2 days 

2 business days 

1 business day 

Upon Request 

Advised within 1 week of notification. 

By close of following business day & then regular updates, at least on a weekly basis 

3 business days 

Incident Categorization


Category Description


Priority 1 incidents are categorized as ‘Critical”. This is either when the PTI system has a major technical problem and cannot be accessed, or there are notified transaction issues that are either highly urgent /sensitive and/or have been outstanding for longer than the target resolution times for Priority 2 and 3.

PTI will provide a post incident memo to Merchant describing the causes of the delay in resolving the incident and what actions have been taken to prevent the problem from happening again


Priority 2 incidents are categorized as ‘Urgent’ and impact either a function of the PTI system (accessed is retained) or there are notified transaction issues that are either urgent and/or have been outstanding for longer than the target resolution times for Priority 3.

Examples of Priority 2 incidents can include:

▪  Unable to access/use the PTI Business Information System (BIS).

▪  Slow system response times being experienced by customers.

▪  An unusual level of transactions being rejected by the system


Priority 3 incidents are categorized as “Significant” and are either system function related or are notified transaction issues.

Examples of a Priority 3 incident can include:

▪  System response times are slow

▪  Operation Timeouts

▪  A minor software fault.

Support Vendor Documentation


Support Portal


Support Email Address/es

Merchant (safi) can contact and follow up Paynamics:

  1. For Billing and Settlement Concerns -

  2. For Chargeback, refund and other disputes -

  3. For Technical concerns -

Support Contact Number/s

Customer Support (Normal Hours)

Emergency Support (Outside Normal Hours)


-same as normal hours-

Tel: +63.2.330.8772 | +63.2.751.0592 Skype Name:

-same as normal hours-

Is access to Customer Success Manager available?


Is there a designated technical contact at Safibank?

