SaFi Bank Space : Post IR against the main account on a daily basis

SM-2260 - Handle OD overdue penalty fee Done

Epic: SM-961 - Repay an overdraft after 60 days Done
Priority: as per Jira
Effort estimate: as per Jira
Review status: ready to review

Role: system

Objective: Update the outstanding IR on a daily bases

Reason: the customer will pay the right amount of IR

Functional requirements:

  • The IR is calculated on a daily basis and posted against the main account on a daily basis

  • The IR is calculated and applied at 0:00 every day

  • pls see the technical documentation here Loans Technical documentation

UI requirements:

  • n/a

Process flow:

Execution steps: pls see the technical documentation here Loans Technical documentation

Internal dependencies:

  • n/a

External dependencies:

  • n/a

Alternative scenarios:

  • n/a

Acceptance criteria:

  • The IR is posted against the main account just as any other delayed payment.

Links to wireframes/UI: n/a