There are several reports needed to monitor the robustness of the collections operations.

These are divided into 3 types;

  1. Portfolio

  2. Efficiency

  3. Operational

    1. Calling

    2. Activities

    3. Tool Assignments

A.Portfolio report

Provide information on the sum total of all accounts (Total Family) within the bank as it is serviced and as it is related to Current and Delinquency view.

  1. DPD or Buckets report

    1. Collections of all accounts located in the different buckets including those who are current and (with the aging reflecting)

    2. Reflect month of origination of the loan

    3. Reflect Product type.

    4. Reflect observation date

      1. Capture the report with end of month time stamp.


Datapoints needed.

  1. Account

  2. Product

  3. Area/location

  4. Delinquency and assignment status (Current, Completed,Delinquent)

    1. DPD

b. Collections flag

c.Assignment flag (Internal, agency, field, legal,)

d. Special flag (Potential fraud, Death suspicious, Special handling)

5. Metric

  • Count

  • Sum (Peso value)

B.Collections efficiency

- Total amount collected in given day vs Total amount due and past due (Measured on Principal)

-Ideally to be reflected on a daily basis on a 30 day period.

For early collections accounts should contain;

  • No. of accounts per month

  • The total value of the over-all account within the month (Payments due)

  • The running CE (Collections Efficiency) with the month.

  • Total payments coming in per day. (Payments in)

  • Segmented per collections bucket with the number off accounts in each assigned segment.




61-90 (Pre-NPL)

  • Should have a graph that would compare month after month performance. (Preferably)

*listed till the 30th of the month to reflect last months results.

3. Flow rate report

  • Movement of accounts thru the buckets (1-30, 31-60,61-90)

    • Per vintage

    • Measure Sum of Principal and Volume of contracts

  • Should be able to capture (Normalization, Retention, Depreciation)

    • Segmentation

      • by product type

      • by collections stages

*Data points:

-Snap shot of account DPD status on the last day of each month .

4.Resolution/Cure rate

  • Current payment due on account -Paid amount.

  • Amount collected since the past due mark divided by the amount that entered past due

    • Measured by

      • Date of entry and days past due

  • Buckets should be factored in.

  • See illustration

Fees (Collections)

*Please note that movement of buckets is still dependent on payment tolerances.

4. Run-rate report

The tool to estimate the future performance of the collections tool versus its previous months performance.

Data points for comparison should be;

  • Recovery rate
    (Amount collected vs. amount endorsed) Principal and full outstanding basis.

  • Cash collections

For collections tools with a fix assignment period.

  • Field

  • Agency

Ilustration below;

5. Collections Activity report

Should show the share of delinquent accounts assigned per collections tool.

  • Internal Collections (C1,C2,C3)

  • Field

  • Agency

  • Legal

  • Not assigned

*Data points should be LOXON tagging

6. Payments and Pre-payments report.

a.payments coming in on the account within a weeks time versus the total amount that was paid on the account during the month.

b. Segregated per bucket and tool

B.Efficiency Reports

Provide information on the actual collections performance on accounts being worked on which should have direct impact to the over-all collections KPI.

1. Coll Productivity report

  • #of Contacts (No. of accounts worked)

  • PTP%

    • # of PTP/ # CLC contact

  • Kept %

    • # of Paid accounts with PTP/#PTP

  • Cash Collected

  • Broken PTP%

    • #Kept PTP/ Kept+PTP

    • # of unpaid PTP/PTP

  • Resolution/Cure rate (Refer to above report -cure rates)

    • Current payment due on account -Paid amount.

    • Buckets should be factored in.

    • See illustration

*Please note that movement of buckets is still dependent on payment tolerances.

(Fees)Fees (Collections)

  • Cash Collected

  • #Csat Transfer

    • #of call eligible-Accounts that where eligible for a transfer. (Those that where disposition as (PTP,NPTP)

    • Transferred-Accounts that was transferred after each call.

    • Succesful-Account where the client was transferred and was able to do the survey

    • Unsuccessful-Accounts that where not successfully transferred (Client may have dropped before taking the survey or did not take the survey at all after the transfer.)

Dashboard example

*Segregated by buckets (Pre-Call, 1-30,31-60, 61-90)

*Include number of accounts worked (Per day , per week)

*Per individual/Per team

*Can be filtered into the the different teams of collections (Coll Internal, Field, Agency)

*Daily Weekly/Monthly Status

**Loxon tagging report.

**Payment pairing from Core banking and Loxon tagging.


Calling report (Call center operational report)

a. Outbound

1.Wrap % (Wrap Duration)

-After call handle time-Time spent by the operator after the customer has hung up the phone.

-Segmented (Per Individual, per team, per queue.)

2.No. of Spins (Per Segment)

3. No of attempt

4.Connect percentage/Contact ratio (Per segment)

5. Dialling time

4. Contact tagging (CLC, RPC,TPC)per account

5. Action tagging (PTP,NPTP, Other, HU)

6. No. of Account called (Calls)(Per; day, week,month)

7. Avg Talk time

8. Accumulated time on not ready;





b. Inbound

1. AHT(*Average handle time.)

2. # of incoming calls

*With tagging

3. No. of action tagging


*Other -means calls that are of special handling



6. No. of calls with Jira Ticket resolved and Closed.

Sample illustration;

2. Quality report

a. Collated results of all QA related findings per set items in QA (to be defined)

b. Can be filtered per Operator, per Supervisor, Per collections group.

*Data extraction point should be Genesys qa reports

3.Field Report (Future2023)

A. no of account assigned and expected collected amount.

  • Classified per bucket

  • Per Area. (Areas to be defined).

B. Cash Collections per FO, Area, Team, Period(Day,Week,Month)

C. no. of Account visits (Per account, per day

  • Per Supervisor group


Sample operational

4. Agency (Future 2023)

a. No of account assigned per bucket (Account endorsement inventory)

Classified per bucket






b. Action log per account Assigned.

(Contacted (Contacted, N/A, 3pty), Action (PTP,NPTP)

c. Cash Collected per bucket, per account

d. Per assigned agency.

*Sample (Agency report)

AOR Agency operational report

*should be just a download from the loxon application