This gives an overview of the pages available in BOFE, see them also in Figma

Customer routes

  • Start with /customer

  • Represent everything related to a particular customer + the search for customers

  • Reachable from the left menu

  • These routes are available only once the customer is found

  • Currently, there is no way to “unsearch” a customer, once searched it’s available until someone else is searched.

  • Some routes may be unavailable based on the group of the current BOFE user




Customer search, also show results if there are more.


Customer root. Normally redicts to dashboard but for the call center scenarios shows security questions first.


Customer overview, links to other pages.


Customer’s profile, address, ID and subscription info.


Other customer documents (IDs are on the profile page)


All jira tickets related to this customer.
Powered by Ticket manager.


Upsell oportunities.

Not implemented yet, SM-3701 - Getting issue details... STATUS


All communications to/from customer.
Powered by Communication history manager.


Main account info & transactions.


Saving accounts (AKA pockets AKA AlkanSafe) info & transactions.


Payment cards, delivery info & transactions.


Personal loan & payment instalments.


Main account overdraft info & activity (aka FundTawid)

Bank user routes

  • Start with /user

  • Represent everything related to the current user or the bank-wide operations

  • Reachable from the right user menu

  • Some routes may be unavailable based on the group of the current BOFE user

  • Note that “My tickets” is not a route, it redirects directly to Jira




Does not exist, it could hold some user profile/preferences in the future.


List of changes that the current user made (as a Maker). Automatically cleared after 3 days.


List of changes that the current user is allowed to approve/reject (as a Checker). Automatically cleared after 3 days.


List of all notifications delivered to the current user.

Not implemented yet, SM-2083 - Getting issue details... STATUS Designs are ready




Form to send money between two intra-bank acocunts.


List of all transaction (across the whole bank) flagged for fraud investigation.


Card deliver status across the whole bank

Not implemented yet, SM-1111 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Special routes




Root, redirects to /customer/search


Login screen


Okta redirects here after logout.
This currently redirects to /login.


Okta redirects here during login, should not be browsed outside of the login flow.


Developement helpers.
Shown only if allowDevFeatures env variable is on. Contains

  • Variants of comments for visual inspection

  • Full audit log view prototype

  • Transaction report downloader for reconciliation

  • Notifications POC WORK IN PROGRESS