ticket-manager is built on top of jira-gateway. It provides access to Jira APIs and dedicated endpoints to create tickets related to common business events like an investigation of a disputed transaction.




GET  /tickets                        // Find tickets by using given filter.
POST /tickets                        // Creates a new ticket - not used
GET  /tickets/{ticketIdOrKey}        // Returns ticket for given Id(or key)


POST /tickets/cardTransactionDispute // Creates a new card transaction dispute ticket
POST /tickets/subscriptionFeeWaived  // Creates a new subscription fee waived ticket
POST /tickets/transactionFraud       // Creates a new transaction fraud ticket



Used to show customers’ tickets in a dedicated page in BOFE, see Routes


  • cardTransactionDispute Used by the Cards squad, when the customer presses a button to dispute a transaction in the app (they claim they did not make the transaction)

  • subscriptionFeeWaived Used by the Accounts/subscriptions squad when a customer waives their subscription fee (they don’t want to pay for some reason)

  • transactionFraud Used by the Risk/slacker team when a transaction is blocked by the Slacker risk engine (because it may be a fraudulent one)


Request type (primary, secondary disposition)

Summary text

Description text


Dispute / Chargeback, Card Transaction

Card transaction dispute

Transaction ID: {id}, transaction amount: {amount}, transaction timestamp: {timestamp}, dispute reason: {reason}, card name: {cardName}, last 4 card number digits: {lastCarddigits}


Fraud Alert / Trigger, Account Transaction

Transaction for fraud investigation

Transaction ID: {id}, transaction amount: {amount}, transaction timestamp: {timestamp}, manual approve reason: {reason}


Account Management Issue/Concern, Others

Customer waived the subscription fee

Customer with ID {id} has waived the subscription fee on {timestamp}. Please review the reason with the customer.

Suggestion: Current descriptions are the simplest possible. It may be worthy revisiting them and improving the formatting and contents of the messages.

Suggestion: Once transactions include a huma-readable reference ID (see SAF-932 - Ensure BOFE shows the new TX reference number Backlog ) it should replace the raw ID in the fraud and dispute tickets.

All tasks created via these APIs will be linked to specific customer via customer ID.


Calls Jira gateway that’s it.