Jira-gateway provides RESTful APIs for Ticket manager to access Jira Ticketing System

Other domain services should not access jira-gateway, instead they should use Ticket manager which has much more convenient APIs.



POST /ticket            // create ticket
GET  /tickets           // list tickets, includes paging (sorting and filtering done via JQL)
GET  /tickets/{id}      // get single ticket by ID or KEY

Data model

Ticket model

  "id": 19062,                # ticket id
  "key": "BOSD-93",           # ticket key, has same semantics as id
  "projectId": 10016,         # fixed for BOSD project
  "projectKey": "BOSD",
  "projectName": "BackOffice",
  "issueTypeId": 10026,               # a fixed issue type
  "issueTypeName": "Service Request",
  "requestTypeId": 124,                   # a fixed request type
  "requestTypeName": "Call Center Issue",
  "requestTypeDescription": "",
  "boRequestTypeOrderedList": [           # the customized request types for BOSD
      "backofficeRequestTypeId": 10268,
      "backofficeRequestTypeName": "Onboarding Query"
      "backofficeRequestTypeId": 10300,
      "backofficeRequestTypeName": "Selfie / Photo"
  "summary": "summary created via restful api",
  "description": "description created via restful api",
  "customerId": "1111-2222-4444--5555",                  # the customer of safibank
  "customerChannel": "Voice",
  "customerType": "Account Owner",
  "productType": "Cards",
  "interactionId": "628daebbcf01a10069ad5fe2",
  "webLink": "https://safibank.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portal/6/BOSD-93",
  "agentLink": "https://safibank.atlassian.net/browse/BOSD-93",
  "currentStatus": "Open",
  "priorityId": 3,
  "priorityName": "Medium",
  "reporter": {
    "accountId": "628daebbcf01a10069ad5fe2",
    "displayName": "Gavin Zhang",
    "emailAddress": "guangquanzhang@gmail.com"
  "approvers": [],
  "organizations": "",
  "responsibleTeam": "Back Office CDD Team",
  "comments": [],
  "attachments": [],
  "labels": [],
  "timeToResolution": {
    "id": 14,
    "name": "Time to resolution",
    "ongoingCycle": {
      "startTime": 1661226144.648,
      "breachTime": 1661398944.648,
      "breached": false,
      "paused": false,
      "goalDurationInMillis": 57600000,
      "elapsedTimeInMillis": 25299,
      "remainingTimeInMillis": 57574701
    "completedCycles": []
  "timeToFirstResponse": {
    "id": 15,
    "name": "Time to first response",
    "ongoingCycle": {
      "startTime": 1661226144.648,
      "breachTime": 1661266800,
      "breached": false,
      "paused": false,
      "goalDurationInMillis": 28800000,
      "elapsedTimeInMillis": 0,
      "remainingTimeInMillis": 28800000
    "completedCycles": []
  "createdAt": 1661226144.648,
  "updatedAt": 1661226147.051

See further mappings in Backoffice tickets mapping to Jira models .


The gateway interacts with Jira through HTTP requests against Jira APIs:

uri-of-create-ticket: https://safibank.atlassian.net/rest/api/3/issue
uri-of-create-service-request: https://safibank.atlassian.net/rest/servicedeskapi/request
base-uri-of-get-service-request: https://safibank.atlassian.net/rest/servicedeskapi/request
base-uri-of-get-ticket: https://safibank.atlassian.net/rest/api/3/issue
uri-of-search-ticket: https://safibank.atlassian.net/rest/api/3/search

The gateway is configured to work with BOSD Jira project. It's not designed to work with multiple projects.


  • user name and token stored in vault secrets

TODO: Replace Gavin Zhang (Unlicensed)'s Personal Jira account used for this by a proper system/admin account SAF-513 - Use a System account credentials to create Jira tickets Backlog


