SaFi Bank Space : SaFi Developer Overview

Monorepo Structure

.github/workflows - contains the GitHub actions config

_<job-name>.yml - job components imported by the service for their workflow

tyk-brave-api-importer.yml - adds services to Tyk API Gateway

app - front-end code for mobile app

app-bo - front-end code for back-office

common - cross-cutting libraries and utilities

schema - kafka topic and schemas

schemas - contains avrò schema definitions, organized per domain

topicSchemasDefinition.json - defines which Avro schema is used for each Kafka topic

devops -

argocd/environments - contains environment specific config

<env>/apps/<service name> - contains config for setting up the services in the specific environment

<env>/apps/base - main application config for kubernetes deployment

<env>/apps/kustomization.yaml - list of files in /base folder

terraform/_files/microservices.yml - lists of services for deployment

services - contains the code for each service

template-service - template for creating new services

tm-contracts - thought machine stuff



  • dev environment

  • services are deployed upon merging to main

  • Tyk URL:


  • staging environment

  • services are deploy upon merging to epfs branch

  • Tyk URL:

Environment Variables

Plain Env Vars

  • non-sensitive environment specific stuff

    • urls, service names, etc

  • can be put directly in the values.yml file

  • stored in a ConfigMap on kubernetes


  • sensitive information

    • passwords, tokens, IDs, etc

  • stored in Vault:

  • stored in a Secret on kubernetes

  • sharing secrets:

    • Use Vault tool to wrap and unwrap sensitive information when passing secrets via chat/email/ticket/etc

    • wrapped secrets are one-time use only, and have an expiration

    • never share secrets as plain text

Updating Environment variables

  1. Go to devops/argocd/environtments/<env>/apps/<service name>

  2. Open and update values.yml file

  3. For secrets, value should be the path in vault

    1. format: <secret:secret/data/path/to/secret~secret_key>

    2. path/to/secret - breadcrumb in vault

  # plain

  # secrets
    DB_PASSWORD: <secret:secret/data/brave/apps/ecpay-gateway/postgres~password>
    DB_URL: <secret:secret/data/brave/apps/ecpay-gateway/postgres~db_url>
    DB_USER: <secret:secret/data/brave/apps/ecpay-gateway/postgres~user>

Logging and Monitoring



  • Main mode for async communication between

  • Two Kafka clusters:

    • Thought Machine

      • main mode of communication with Thought Machine

      • uses protobuf for messages

    • Service

      • communication between internal backend services

      • uses Avro for messages

      • schema location: common/schema/schemas/<domain>

      • topic definition: common/schema/topicSchemasDefinition.json

      • Further Reading

  • Dashboard for service Kafka topics (Brave):


  • Postgres as our SQL database

  • Brave URL: jdbc:postgresql://<db-name>

  • credentials can be found in Vault

Tyk API Gateway

Artifact Registry

Further Reading