SaFi Bank Space : Thought Machine - Service Procedure Framework


This documentation contains parts of the Service Procedures Manual we received from Thought Machine and which shall cover proper escalation procedures and support structure.

Escalation Path

The below escalation matrix should be used in relation to technical support escalations.

For generic day to day operational queries or any relationship issues the Client Success Manager should be the primary point of contact. Please see the Service Operations Manual for further detail on roles and responsibilities.

Thought Machine Escalation Path




Contact Details

First Point

TM Support

3rd Line Support

US: +1 806 608 2858

UK: +44 20 3984 8285

SG: +65 3129 8285
Portal -

Second Point

Tien Ngo
Franky Chiang

Client Success Manager

M  +65 8895 4812

Third Point

Yurij Khirivskij

Head of Production Support

M +44 7727 047 997


Safi Bank Escalation Path




Contact Details

First Point

Xxxx xxxxx

Xxxx xxxxx

T - +Xxxx xxxxx

E - Xxxx xxxxx

Second Point

Xxxx xxxxx

Xxxx xxxxx

T - +Xxxx xxxxx

E - Xxxx xxxxx

Third Point

Xxxx xxxxx

Xxxx xxxxx

M - +Xxxx xxxxx

E - Xxxx xxxxx

Support Levels

The support model is divided between three main levels to provide clear demarcation points between client and Thought Machine responsibility as well as a clear escalation path.
The below provides high-level description of each level:

Level 1 – Initial triage from end users, monitoring tools and the first level of diagnostics. It is the expectation that low-level changes, if required, would be completed between this level and level 2.

Level 2 – Escalation point for level 1 and more detailed trouble shooting. Capability to capture and analyse logs as well as successfully complete low-level changes. Ability to handle majority of priority 3 incidents and some priority 2.

Level 3 – Escalation point for level 2 and enhanced trouble shooting capability. Complex analysis of logs and work cases through to resolution. Will handle priority 1 cases and some priority 2.

Thought Machine’s Service Desk

TM’s service desk provides a 24*7 support service for the CLIENT to contact inline with the service levels outlined in section 3.3 “Service Levels Metrics”.

The contact details for the service desk are:




  SG   +65 3129 8285 

  UK   +44 20 3984 8285 

  US   + 1 806 608-2858 

Thought Machine Service Desk Portal

The Thought Machine service desk will provide the Client with:

●      Level 3 support of the services

●      Engagement with relevant resolution teams

●      Ticket management

●      Service level adherence

●      Escalation initiatives

●      Communication flow for progress of open ticket

Raising Incidents

Safibank will need to raise support requests in the Service Desk portal to engage Thought Machine’s support team.

When raising support requests, clients should ensure all the required fields are provided to ensure quick troubleshooting and progression of the identified issue:

  • Title

  • Issue Description

  • Expected Behaviour

  • Actual Behaviour

  • Troubleshooting steps

  • Business Impact

  • Severity

Where a Sev-1 or Sev2 incident has been raised in the Service Desk portal, we recommend that you call the Thought Machine 24x7 Production Support messaging system where you will be greeted by a voicemail. Please leave a message with your company name and relevant ticket number for the Production Support team to acknowledge and contact you within the agreed Service Level.

Example voicemail, “Hi this is Jane Doe from Example Bank. I have a critical severity 1 incident, ticket number bank-123. Please review the ticket and respond asap. Thank you”

Production Support

The Client must raise a production ticket via the Thought Machine Service Desk Portal, if they identify an issue with Vault Software when running in their Production environment.

Sev-1 (Critical) and Sev-2 (Major) support issues must be called through to Thought Machine’s Production Support messaging system on one of the following phone numbers.

Contact Number

SG   +65 3129 8285 

UK   +44 20 3984 8285 

US   + 1 806 608-2858 

Below are the agreed contracted service levels with the Client:

Maximum time for Support Response

Severity Level

Severity Level Description

Maximum time for Support Response

Target time to resolve

Hours of coverage (UK time)

1 - Critical

An incident that disables major software functions, causes substantial performance degradation, or results in loss, damage or corruption of data.

Difficult workarounds are required to process work and the ability to process work is seriously impaired.

15 Mins

4 Hours

24 x 7 x 365

2 - Major

An incident that results in a measurable loss of functionality and/or performance.

The ability to process work is impaired.

30 Mins

8 Hours

24 x 7 x 365

3 - Minor

An incident that has no significant impact and an acceptable workaround is readily available.

1 Hour

24 Hours

09.00 — 18.00

On business days

Support Request

Product support query and advice

6 hours

3 Business Days

09.00 — 18.00

On business days


Root Cause Analysis


3 Business Days


Release Management


Thought Machine will notify and make available any new releases to Vault following which the Client may then deploy to their production environment. There is no obligation to take the latest Vault release, however, support services will only be provided for the latest Major Version line of Vault and the immediately previous Major Version line of Vault, for example when Vault Release 3.0 is made available, Vault Releases 1.0.0 to 1.13.X will be no longer supported.

Release Categories and Cadences

There are three categories of release for Vault which are; Major, Minor and Patch Releases, through which Vault delivers updates and enhancements to previous release versions.

Release Category



Version Format


A release that may include backwards-incompatible changes. These changes will be communicated at least 90 days prior to release

Maximum twice a year

Increments the first number in the release version (X.y.z)


A release involving incremental backwards-compatible changes.

Approximately monthly

Increments the second number in the release version (x.Y.z)


An unplanned release to address critical vulnerabilities and bugs. These build upon previous releases in that line for example (A.B.C+1), will include all changes in A.B.C.

As required

Increments the third number in the release version (x.y.Z)

Key Positions

This section contains a list of the CLIENT’s personnel considered as key positions for the
purpose of the maintenance contract along with their proposed peer relationship from Thought Machine.


Thought Machine

Safi Bank

Gov Tier






Harry Margiolakiotis

Managing Director Engineer




Yurij Khirivskij

Head of Production Support EMEA/US




Tien Ngo

Client Success Manager