SM-2239 - FE: Create OD Transaction detail screen based on the latest MVP UI Done

Epic: SM-963 - Overdraft Center overview Done
Priority: as per Jira
Effort estimate: as per Jira
Review status: ready to review

Role: system, user

Objective: Various actions can be performed based on the type of the transaction

Reason: so user can see the details and take action

Functional requirements:

  • User can perform various actions based on the type of the transaction

    • Past transaction (overdraft taken or fee deducted automatically):

      • transaction details

    • Planned payment of the full OD:

      • Early repayment: Repay now

      • Topup: If the balance of the accounts is low, the customer is prompted to ‘Top-up’ instead of ‘Repay now’.

    • Delayed payment after 1st due date, but before 2nd due date:

      • Principal

        • ‘Repay now’ if enough balance

        • ‘Topup’ if low balance

      • Fee: ‘Topup’ (as it is autodeducted already if balance was enough)

    • Delayed payment after 2nd due date:

      • Principal or fee: only ‘Topup’ (as it is autodeducted already if balance was enough)

UI requirements:

Process flow:

Execution steps: pls see the technical documentation here Loans Technical documentation

Internal dependencies:

  • Topup feature by transactions squad

External dependencies:

  • n/a

Alternative scenarios:

  • No actions can be performed, just the details of the transaction are visible

Acceptance criteria:

  • Possible actions can be performed based on the description if the ‘Functional Requirements’

  • Detailed data about the transaction is correct

Links to wireframes/UI: