SM-978 - Transfer OD loan to main account Done

Epic: SM-959 - Get an overdraft Resolved
Priority: as per Jira
Effort estimate: as per Jira
Review status: approved

Role: system


  • If the user gets the OD loan, SaFi should transfer the amount to the user’s main account.


  • so user can use the loan

Functional requirements:

UI requirements:

  • Push notification to the user that loan has been credited to his account

Process flow:

  • as per execution steps

Execution steps:

Internal dependencies:

  • Internal bank account setup/definition that is used to transfer the money from

External dependencies:

  • n/a

Alternative scenarios:

  • n/a

Acceptance criteria:

  • The loan amount is credited to main account realtime

  • If near-realtime, notification should tell the user the amount was successfully transferred

Links to wireframes/UI:

  • n/a