SaFi Bank Space : Loan products overview: not delayed loan - change status on FE

SM-988 - Loan products overview: not delayed loan - change status on FE Done

Epic: SM-962 - Loans Products screen In Review
Priority: as per Jira
Effort estimate: as per Jira
Review status: ready to review

Role: system

Objective: always show relevant actions and info for users about NOT delayed loans (delayed scenarios here)

ATOME related FE changes here: Atome: change status on FE

Reason: n/a

Functional requirements: conditions to apply for the execution of US

UI requirements:

Elements of each tile (Actions, balance+status, text) are subject to change based on the status of the loan.

A not delayed loan can have the following status, independent from another loans' status:

  1. not eligible because of a low credit score or fraud flag

  2. eligible, but not taken

  3. eligible, limit partly taken (valid only for overdraft, during grace period only!)

  4. eligible, taken (in case of overdraft, limit reached)

Behaviour in each scenario:

1.a not eligible because of a low credit score

  • Action button: inactive

  • Balance: $0.00

  • Status: Not available

  • Text: Continue using the app and come back later to see your limits!

1.b not eligible because of fraud flag

  • Action button: inactive

  • Balance: $0.00

  • Status: Not available

  • Text: Please contact the call center!

2. eligible, but not taken

  • Action button: active

    • PL: Learn more

    • OD: Learn more

    • BNPL: Explore

  • Balance: $xx.xx credit limit

  • Status: Available

  • Text: as per Figma (different for each product)

3. eligible, limit partly taken (valid only for overdraft, during grace period only!)

4. eligible, taken (in case of overdraft, limit is reached)

  • Action button: active

    • PL: no button, it’s a bar chart with the already returned amount as here

    • OD: See more (white like here)

    • BNPL: Explore (white like here)

  • Balance (on the left side): $xx.xx total borrowed amount

  • Status:

    • PL: xx% already returned, as here

    • OD: Borrowed

    • BNPL: Amount due (TBD)

  • Text:

    • PL: n/a, as balance replaced this

    • OD: n/a, as balance replaced this

    • BNPL: as per Figma

Process flow: n/a

Execution steps: How each step is executed (what is happening in FE, BE, 3rd party calls)

Internal dependencies:

  • Integration w risk engine SM-1270 - Integrate Loans with Risk mgmt system Done

External dependencies:

  • n/a

Alternative scenarios:

  • Users the same have access to loan products from dashboard’s tiles too, so the full page can be disabled if necessary

Acceptance criteria:

  • FE works as described in the UI requirements

Links to wireframes/UI: