SM-1043 - History of repaid/closed loans Done

Epic: SM-962 - Loans Products screen In Review
Priority: as per Jira
Effort estimate: as per Jira
Review status: in preparation

Role: system

Objective: show the customers all their previous loans

Reason: so customers still check their old loans

Functional requirements:

  • Past Atome purchases are not displayed as we won’t have the necessary data. It’s available in the Atome plugin ‘Bills’ section

UI requirements:

  • If there are no closed loans available, ‘Loans history’ button is disabled

  • Sorting of loans: Latest repaid on the top, oldest repaid on the bottom

  • Data to display on loans history screen as per Figma

    • Name of product (PL, OD)

    • Original loan amount

    • Last payment date

    • percentage of settled amount

  • Data to display on loans history detail screen as per Figma

    • Loan amount (e.g. original principal)

    • Fees

    • Already returned

    • IR

    • date it was credited to the account

    • date last payment was made

    • number of payments → excluded, can be misleading data due to extra number of fee payments, early installment repayments, etc.

    • Reason of repayment (e.g. early repaid by customer, repaid by customer on time, closed by SaFi backoffice, etc.)

  • Instalment plan

  • Transaction details

Process flow: n/a

Execution steps: n/a

Internal dependencies: n/a

External dependencies: n/a

Alternative scenarios:

Acceptance criteria:

  • Data displayed according to UI requirements section of this document

Links to wireframes/UI:

History screens:

instalment plan:
