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SM-1442 Epic Money Withdrawal via Interbank Transfer (Paynamics) | In App (EPFS) Medium 2.0 0.0 Done

Role: User

Objective: want to manually fill in all necessary details about the beneficiary from other bank than SaFi

Reason: so that I can correctly withdraw money from my SaFi bank account and send them to the beneficiary

Functional requirements:

Interbank Withdrawals can be done only by providing an account number. They are disabled for phone numbers.

UI requirements:

  • Add “Receiver name“ text field

  • Add a dropdown list as “Receiver’s bank”, where the target bank can be selected

  • Add “Account“ numerical text field

  • Add CTA button “Continue”

Process flow:

Money Withdrawal via Interbank Transfer

Execution steps:

  1. User taps on “Other Bank” option on the “Send money to” panel

  2. “Send to” screen is displayed

  3. User adds the “Receiver name”

  4. User selects the “Receiver’s bank”

  5. User adds the “Account number”

  6. User taps “Continue”

Internal dependencies:

🟢 1. Select 'Send Money' Tile & 'Other Bank'

External dependencies:

List of available banks

Alternative scenarios:


Acceptance criteria:

  • manual input of the data must be provided to the user

  • input field for “Beneficiary name” is available to the user

  • input field for “Account number” is available and accepts only numeric characters (different banking institutions have different length of account - it will not always be 12 digits)

  • bank selector is available to the user

  • CTA button “Continue” is available to the user

Links to wireframes/UI: