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SM-2136 Epic Top-up via Cash-In (Digipay) Medium 3.0 0.0 3.0 Done


Role: User

Objective: want to see the cash-in instructions,


so that I can Top-up my SaFi account at the cashier providing Digipay option.

Functional requirements:

There is a limit for 1 active top-up via cash-in per partner at a time.

UI requirements:-

Process flow:

Top-up via Cash-In

Digipay - Top-up via Cash-In

Execution steps (Happy path):

  1. User selects Top-up option from the drawer menu or shortcuts menu on the main dashboard

  2. User selects Over-the-Counter

  3. User selects Digipay OTC partner he wants to Top-up his SaFi account from

  4. The instructions on how to do the transaction will be provided to the user

  5. User will go to any Digipay store or uses the Digipay app and select SaFi to deposit money there

  6. After the cash-in the account balance will be updated

  7. User will be notified of the transaction result

Internal dependencies:

🟢 BE: Update transaction-processor-manager to handle digipay cash-in transactions

External dependencies:


Alternative scenarios: -

Acceptance criteria:

  • The Digipay option is displayed on the top of the list of OTC merchants

  • it is displayed with the company logo

  • User can choose the Digipay option by clicking on the component

  • The instructions for the user on how to complete the transaction at the OTC merchant are displayed

  • CTA button “Close” is displayed and redirects the user back to the merchants' list

Links to wireframes/UI: