SM-1183 - BO: Freeze subscription Done


SM-1185 - Freeze/unfreeze subscription by BO agent Accepted



Previously referred to as “Account Freeze“, but since we are freezing subscription the name changed accordingly.

Role: BOFE user (see access matrix)

Objective: As a BOFE agent, I want to freeze or unfreeze customer subscription, if they wish to pause the payments in case that they do not plan to use the bank for a while.

UI Requirements:

Upon clicking on Freeze subscription button, modal will be displayed with the list of conditions and current status. If all conditions are met, Freeze subscription button is enabled.


Functional requirements

On Customer Profile Page, subscription section can be edited. Upon clicking on subscription freeze, the modal with condition checks will be displayed and if all conditions are met, user can provide valid ticket id and submit the request.

  1. Conditions check: See Customer & Onboarding Stories & conditions upon which customer account can be frozen: Freeze /Unfreeze Account / Customer lifecycle

  2. Subscription freeze action (button) when all conditions are met, with ticket id, as this is maker-checker process

Acceptance criteria: Editable subscription section on Customer Profile page with status change button. When clicked, modal with freeze conditions is displayed. If all conditions are met, user can proceed by inserting valid ticket id and submitting the request. When approved, subscription status will change to “Frozen“. Changing status to active does not require checks, only ticket id.