SaFi Bank Space : Accounts & Subscriptions: Product handover

Domain overview

In our domain, there are three main parts:

  • Main account + Dashboard

    • Each onboarded customer has created main account, which is created internally in Thought Machine and has visible account number.

    • Other part is main dashboard and the balances overview related to that. We are responsible for implementing the designs on FE and on the BE, we are responsible for implementation of the balances and making sure that we get related product data from other squads (e.g. balance for overdraft for the overdraft widget).

    • Main epic covering this is: SM-909 - Manage account Accepted

  • Saving accounts (Alkansafe)

    • We offer two types saving accounts, also called saving pockets or Alkansafe.

      • Unlocked Pocket - Withdraw wherever, whenever and save with basic lower (e.g. 3.5%) monthly interest rate

      • Locked Pocket - Locked for a set period of time and earn with a better interest rate as high as 6%

    • Main epics are:

      • SM-911 - Manage unlocked pocket Accepted

      • SM-930 - Earn Interests Accepted

  • Subscriptions

    • During onboarding, customer has to choose subscription plan, which is then payed out on the monthly basis.

    • There are three different subscription plans, each has different number of benefits. Benefits are mainly tied to the transaction operations.

Scope that was not yet completed - Epics

In general, most of the things in the scope are finished from the Product perspective.

  • Main dashboard

    • Done for MVP, only missing thing is Atome Widget (currently implemented as coming soon widget). Must be discussed with Loans squad.

  • Main accounts

    • Block money on the account SM-6113 - Block money on main account Blocked Task . Must be discussed with BackOffice squad.

    • Close account SM-7670 - Close account To Do . Must be discussed with BackOffice squad.

  • Saving pockets

    • Finance alignment

      • SM-7218 - Pockets interests - accrual, taxes, rounding To Do

  • Subscription

    • Finance alignment

    • Charge immediately after activating account. This needs additional product work. SM-7303 - Charge subscription immediately after activating To Do

Public launch features overview

  • Saving strategy (e.g. roundups). This needs additional product work. SM-5928 - Saving strategy To Do

Include links to domain documentation

Communication channels


  • squad-accounts-finance - squad channel

  • squad-accounts-knowledge - channel for questions during hand-over

  • squad-accounts-finance-code-review - channel for requests for review of urgent PRs.

  • tm-support - channel mostly for devops issues. Usually, the response time is high so it is suggested to use Lark channel mentioned below instead


  • Product: Accounts & Subscriptions- general Finance channel for communication with the management regarding this topic.

  • TM Working group - communication with the provider. You can ask technical question in there.

Any other important information

  • Any domain specific information you would like to point out

Handover checklist

  • Domain overview explained
  • Not completed MVP scope clarified
  • Public launch features explained
  • Documentation sources and their structure clear - Confluence, Jira, Designs
  • Important contacts covered

Outstanding tasks to complete after handover