

SM-576 - BO: Accounts view Done


SM-1076 - Account details view Accepted



Role: BOFE user (see access matrix)

Objective: As a BOFE user, I want to see pockets details for a particular customer

Reason: to have a detailed information on customer’s pockets in order to provide full support to customer and be able to make necessary changes.

Functional requirements: Pockets details that should be displayed upon clicking on account (menu item) in BOFE:

Savings account (pockets)

List of pockets of the customer including details:

  • name

  • balance

  • goal

User can click on each pocket to see additional details:

Pocket detail information

  • Status

  • Pocket name

  • Pocket Id

  • Created at

  • Updated at

  • Lock status

  • Interest rate

Pocket transactions

Transaction (history) view

Pocket actions

Upon clicking on edit actions, user can change:

Links to wireframes/UI:

Acceptance criteria:

Saving account (pockets) page with list of pockets, details upon clicking on the pocket and actions to lock/unlock or close pocket.