SaFi Bank Space : Step by step onboarding guide

Hello there! Welcome onboard!

First thing first, find yourself a buddy or ask anyone to drag you into the onboarding team chat channel: Digital_Bank_Engineering_Onboarding_Team, then booming us with any kind of question that something like “where is the file placed?” or “where to have lunch? (blue star)”.

Next, finish the onboarding guide that your HR gives you, follow the instructions to sign up the essential corporation tools like:

  • Lark
  • CornerStone
  • BIPO (CN) or Sprout (PH)

Halfway there!

Now focus on our team onboarding checklist in below, you will be prepared with the following perspective:

1st week:

  1. Know about our business and project landscape

  2. Know about our team distribution and culture

  3. Know about the technical stuff we are using

  4. Download, setup and get everything running

  5. Involve in a stand meetings just to show face

2nd week:

  1. Familiar with running, testing and debugging process

  2. Familiar with SDLC and dev routines

  3. You are encouraged to unit tests to get yourself ready

  4. Share your experience and help us update&upgrade!

Next steps:

0. Before document read-up, let’s get the access rights to all essential platforms:

  • Go to google and create a gmail account if you don't have one, then send it to Peter Luknar via Slack, asking him if it is acceptable to create a PR of our repo and add your gmail there: users_logs_viewer.yaml. After you merge the PR, you'll be able to access SaFi-env-dev-apps to view logs.

1.Biz and project introduction

Please refer to the information here: Product-Overview

2. Team dynamics

Redirected to: Organizational-Structure

3. Tech comprises

Refer to the checklist: Tech-Stack :General dev info you need to know before hand

4. Tool installation

Note: you don’t have to install Gradle and Micronaut as it’s already wrapped in project. To build and run project, all you need is JDK 17 and a running docker.

5. Running and testing

Last but not the least…

Some suggestions

  • We would suggest you to quickly read through the documents to have an initial idea and be prepared to dive into a focusing domain later on.

  • Pick yourself a buddy, and feel free to interrupt him/here if you have any questions; otherwise, we'll appoint a tough one for you (wink).

  • Ask to join our daily standup meeting to observe how we work, and get familiar with different accents, and working style.

  • Ask us to forward regular meeting schedules to you. Currently we have weekly sync and tech huddle meetings.

  • You have two weeks to get familiar with these things, and after that, you can choose a squad to contribute to the project. Hopefully, you'll choose the one that we don't have our own engineers there.

And some tips as well

  • Feel free to ask questions and give suggestions

  • Feel free to point out technical debts and give improvement proposals

  • Whenever you push somebody to do something, don't forget to add a deadline there

  • Processes are necessary, and actions speak louder

  • You are encouraged to take ownership and drive things

Congratulation! You are reaching the end!

Once again, we welcome you onboard! Make yourself comfortable and enjoy your new journey!(blue star)