Key parent P fe story points be story points story points Status
SM-3280 Epic EPFS Bank Statement Medium 1.0 5.0 6.0 Done

Role: User

Objective: want to have access to the latest bank statement that includes all the transactions processed during a calendar month in .pdf format and a list of all bank statements from the past within the SaFi app,

Reason: so that I can check and have evidence of all transfers from or to my SaFi bank account.

Functional requirements:

  1. On the first day of each calendar month, a monthly bank statement is automatically generated

  2. Statements are listed on the “Bank Statements” screen

  3. Format of the bank statement is .pdf

  4. Statement pdfs are generated & stored on BE

UI requirements:

List of all bank statements is displayed with information about the password protection.

Process flow:

  1. Bank Statements are automatically generated on BE

  2. List of generated Bank Statements is sent to FE

  3. Tapping on an element on the list loads the pdf from BE

Execution steps:

  1. User opens side menu

  2. User taps on “Statement history”

  3. “Bank Statements” screen is displayed

    1. Monthly bank statements are listed under each other in a chronological order (recent on top)

  4. User taps on a bank statement

  5. User verifies by password

  6. Bank statement pdf is displayed

Internal dependencies:

🟢 Generate Monthly Bank Statement document EPFS

Setup password

Setup passcode

External dependencies: -

Alternative scenarios: -

Acceptance criteria:

  • the bank statement history is available to the user and is placed in the drawer menu on the main dashboard under “Statement history”

  • the list of bank statements is ordered by the date (the latest one is on the top)

    • there is also information about the password protection set by SaFi:
      birth month+birth day of the user +last 4 digits of the account number (MMDD****)

  • the bank statement is stored on the server (it will not be generated on the fly)

  • the format of the bank statement is .pdf

  • the bank statement is protected with a password otherwise, the user is not able to open it

  • The pdf file itself should be view only (protected against any modification)

  • user is able to select the bank statement from the list (it will open) and download it to the device

Links to wireframes/UI: