SaFi Bank Space : Cards: Product Handover

Domain Overview

The cards area is focused on the key elements:

  • Virtual Card(s)

  • Physical Card(s)

The mobile application provides the following functions:

  • Automatic activation of Virtual Card after account onboarding and account activation

  • Customization of visual view and virtual card name by the client

  • Manual order of Physical Card(s) by using the default or customized card design

  • Management of the delivery process to the exact address

  • Tracking the card delivery process with a detailed view of the actual status from the logistic company

  • Activation of delivered Physical Card(s)

  • Management of both: Virtual and Physical Cards, such as:

    • Change PIN

    • Reset PIN

    • Request card replacement

    • Change card name

    • Set card limit

    • Lock and unlock the card

    • Block card (in case that card was lost)

    • Show secure card information, including CVV code

    • Report card issues

On top of these card functions, there is evidence of all card-managed transactions, with filters to select just specific scope of transactions managed by the exact card, in a limited period, etc.

External Integrations

  • DZCard: Company responsible for card printout with default or customized design

  • Ninjavan & GoGoExpress: Logistics companies responsible for the card delivery process

  • Euronet: card gateway provider with integration into the Mastercard transaction system

  • Google Vision: automated ML/AI system to validate of provided design (pictures) by the client for card customization is not violating internal acceptance criteria

The scope that was not yet completed - Epics

SM-3743 - Audit logging for all domains In Progress

SM-4094 - Cards: Negative Scenarios In Progress

SM-233 - Cards: Back-office Functions - Management of Cards In Progress

SM-4098 - Cards: Security Functions - 3D Secure and Slacker In Progress

SM-4142 - Security check and validations for External Integrations In Progress

SM-4095 - Cards: Transactions In Progress

SM-4097 - Cards: Back-office Functions - Negative scenarios In Progress

Key Intersquad Open Topics

Back-Office x Cards (temporary progress tracking)

Public launch features overview

SM-3494 - Cards: Pay Later External Integrations To Do

  • Apple and Google Pay Integration

  • Bancnet Integration

  • Dispute of Card Transactions (discussed with Nikko)

  • Manual Approval Process for Customized Card Design (related to BO functionality)

  • Cards Squad JIRA: here

  • Cards Squad Confluence: here

  • Safi Bank Documentation (Google): here

  • Safi Bank Documentation (Lark): here

  • Euronet Documentation (Teams): here

  • Solution Blueprint: here

  • Miro Board (high-level models; outdated): here

  • Safi PoC Scope: here

  • Safi Tasks, Issues, and Risks: here

  • Safi User Stories / Cards (initial list / approved): here

  • UI Elements: here

  • Figma Models: here

  • Notifications required for Cards: here

  • IAM Requirements for Cards: here

  • Dev-Tasks Estimation (outdated): here

  • Cards Delivery Status: here

Important contacts


Name of person, position

Email address, phone number

When to contact / which area the person covers


Jideo Pena (Unlicensed)

+63 919 000 2209

AIG Product Owner


Andre Laksmana (Unlicensed)

Lead Developer for Cards squad


Ardhi Catur Kurniawan (Unlicensed)

Developer for Cards squad


Januar Sirait (Unlicensed)

Developer for Cards squad


Alwandy Harold K (Unlicensed)

Developer for Cards squad


User 7c367

Developer for Cards squad


Yogendra Dhoot

+91 9619 270 675

Euronet Project Lead

Any other important information

  • Sprint 15 extended till , managed by Vacuum PM/PO

  • Sprint 16 will start from , managed by Jideo Pena (Unlicensed)

  • Sprint 17 and 18 and updated to follow changes related to Sprint 15 and 16

Product: Cards (status call: )

Black boxes

  • Euronet sandbox is partially functional. Non-working functions:

    • getcvv2

    • card activation

    • pin management

    • change status

  • DK-team contacted Euronet technical team to fix the malfunctioning part of CMS API (functions listed above)

  • Safi still expects that Euronet can deliver in-time their part of the integration

  • Cards functionality depends on Euronet and Mastercard accreditation process; it's already clear that this is not manageable till MVP dead-line


  • The transaction dispute process is not in the original scope of MVP; Jideo wants the Cards squad to lead preparation tasks also for other squads

  • The new design for Cards is under finalization; static card options are ready; customized card models are still WIP


  • FSD Reconciliation confirmed with Euronet

  • FSD CMS and ACS still not confirmed (next week)

  • DK-team is working on documenting the transaction flows

  • We have received the sample switch log required for the reconciliation process

Intrasquad dependencies

  • Discussion with the BO team about open topics:

    • Display expected delivery date: cards squad will prepare the endpoint

    • Card status update: we need to understand the level of granularity: DZcard, Ninjavan, GoGoExpress, Euronet

    • Provide sample switch log for reconciliation process set-up

Handover checklist

  • Domain overview explained
  • Not completed MVP scope clarified
  • Public launch features explained
  • Documentation sources and their structure clear - Confluence, Jira, Designs
  • Important contacts covered

Outstanding tasks to complete after handover

  • Sync Vacuum documentation into the Lark
  • BO alignment with Card squad; open topics/tickets
  • Finalize Acceptance Criteria for Card tickets
  • Close Sprint 15 on