SaFi Bank Space : Back-Office x Cards (temporary progress tracking)

  • Back-Office: Check already implemented endpoints to be specifically for Back-Office and not for customer (mobile app).
  • New card delivery cancellation, New card request / redelivery - post MVP
  • Embossing problem - post MVP
  • Align on Dispute / chargeback, and Amount unblock
  • Check Cards squad stories relevance for Back-Office (card create, card activation)
  • Cards to provide Status update report integration and Reconciliation sheet detailed explanation

Cards view

SM-1058 - BO: Cards view Done

BO story

BO task

Cards task


List cards (incl. details)

Cards List View

SM-1099 - Cards list view Done


View transactions

Cards transaction history view

SM-1100 - Transaction history on card view Done

SM-746 - Overview of Transactions per Card Cancelled


Search transactions

Card transactions search list of proposed filters

SM-1101 - Transaction search on card Done

SM-746 - Overview of Transactions per Card Cancelled


Display limits

SM-3697 - Display card limits Done


Card changes audit log

SM-5140 - Display cards history Done

SM-3746 - Ensure all Cards-related changes are logged into audit log Done


Cards delivery

SM-1060 - BO: Cards status view Resolved

BO story

BO task

Cards task


List cards (include ordered cards)

Requested cards list view

SM-1107 - Requested cards list view Done


Ordered card detail view

Ordered card details view

SM-1108 - Ordered card details view Done

SM-869 - BE: BO Card show delivery information Done


Delivery log

Card delivery history view

SM-1109 - Card delivery history view Done

SM-6145 - Expose Card delivery history list in card-manager Done


Request card redelivery (blue star)

Request card redelivery

SAF-956 - Request card redelivery Backlog


Card embossing problem

Embossing problem

Embossing problem

SM-717 - Card Emboss Problem To Do


Card status update report integration (from EURONET API)

Card status update report integration

SAF-934 - Card status update report integration Ready for Testing



See, this is not part of MVP:

  • Button to do the functionalities below: <For Maker and Checker Access>

    • Order New Card without Personalization

    • Order Replacement Card without Personalization

    • Cancel Card Order / Request for Refund

Cards edit

SM-1059 - BO: Cards edit In Progress

BO story

BO task

Cards task


Edit card limits

Card - adjust card limit settings

SM-2739 - Edit card limit settings Done

SM-868 - BE: BO Card change limit Done


Freeze / Unfreeze card

Card - freeze / unfreeze

SM-4252 - Freeze/unfreeze card Done

SM-865 - BE: BO Card Lock Done AND SM-866 - BE: BO Card Unlock Done


Block Card (permanent block, can’t be unblocked)

Card - blocking (permanent)

SM-1103 - Blocking card Done

SM-867 - BE: BO Card CLose Done x


Filing dispute / chargeback (question) (need more info)

Card - filling a dispute / chargeback

SAF-938 - Filling a dispute / chargeback by customer Backlog



Block / Unblock amount (question) (need more info)

Card - blocking / unblocking amount

SAF-939 - Blocking / unblocking amount (for incoming transactions) Ready for Testing



Cards tasks for Back-Office check

Cards tasks marked as BO, but not relevant to Back-Office use cases.

  • SM-863 - BE: BO Card Create Done / SM-852 - FE: BO Card Create Cancelled - not relevant

  • SM-864 - BE: BO Card Activation Done / SM-853 - FE: BO Card Activation Cancelled - not relevant

  • SM-870 - BE: BO Change Pocket Cancelled / SM-859 - FE: BO Change Pocket Cancelled - not relevant

  • SM-862 - FE: Push notification to Supervisor Cancelled - not relevant