

SM-1058 - BO: Cards view Done


SM-1099 - Cards list view Done




Role: BOFE user (access matrix)

Objective: As a BOFE user, I want to see a list of customer cards, so that I can investigate transactions or request changes.

Reason: In order to help the customer with card inquiries, all active and requested cards need to be displayed, including status, details, transactions, and available actions.

Card status

Physical card

  • SUBMITTED (note: in app you first request card and if you finish the process (successfully provide address, picture), the card is ordered, meaning ready for submission to be actually created / printed).

  • EMBOSS_REJECTED - see Card Emboss problem

  • PRINTED - ready for delivery partners to pick up and deliver

  • ON_DELIVERY - the actual delivery process with delivery statuses provided by partners via API, see Delivery Statuses

  • ARRIVED - status upon delivery, will be promptly changed to INACTIVE

  • INACTIVE - card is inactive once the delivery process is completed

  • ACTIVATING - user is activating card via app

  • ACTIVE - card is ready

  • LOCKING - user is freezing card via app

  • LOCKED - card is frozen

  • UNLOCKING - user is unfreezing card via app

  • PERMANENT_BLOCKING - user is permanently blocking card via app. This can’t be undone and new card needs to be requested

  • PERMANENT_BLOCKED - can’t be undone

  • CLOSING - automatically closing cards that can’t be used anymore

  • CLOSED - cards that can’t be used anymore are marked in EuroNet as closed

  • EXPIRED - cars exceeding the expiration date

Virtual card

  • ACTIVE - Main account will automatically get virtual card. Virtual cards are automatically active

  • LOCKING - Virtual cards can be frozen as well



  • CLOSED - Virtual cards that can’t be used anymore

Functional requirements:

Get list of all customer cards for the customer to be listed in top-page carousel and display additional information on click. First available card and the details should be visible on page load.

Cards view (carousel)

Available cards in scrollable carousel.


Current (ordered or active) cards in carousel

Cards that are NOT in status:




Scrollable carousel cards will have this information presented:

  • Card type (digital DD1 / physical DP1)

  • Card status (see card status in previous section)

  • Card expiration

  • Last 4 digits

Upon click on list item, the card detail will be displayed.

Expired (closed) cards in modal

Closed cards (PERMANENT_BLOCKED, CLOSED, EXPIRED) will not be part of the carousel, but as a list in modal view. Agent can click on button Closed Cards and modal will open with list of expired cards and this information in each row:

  • Card type

  • Card name

  • Card status

  • Card expiration

  • Last 4 digits

Upon click on list item, the card detail will be displayed.

Card detail

Links to wireframes/UI:

Acceptance criteria: Carousel list of cards that are are not expired or closed. Card type, name, image, status, expiration and 4 last card digits will be present. Closed cards will be accessible via button and displayed in list within modal.


Cards - 1.jpg (image/jpeg)