1.1.1. Onboarding

Total: 43 . Chart by: Status


Epic Ticket

Story Ticket

User Story

Acceptance Criteria

Test Case ID

Test Result

Bug ID

SM-22 - CUS: Access and change their profile Done

SM-1178 - Create customer from prospect Done

As a customer, I want to have a customer account created once I finish onboarding so that I can start using the app.


SM-6207 - UI | MOBILE | Subscriptions – User Has Verified An Prospect Customer Account Status Done

SM-1179 - Inactive customer account Done

As a customer, I want to be free of subscription fee charges after onboarding to the point when I start using the account.


  • If Customer is successfully onboarded, his status is set to “Inactive“ on BE.
  • If Customer receives any money, his status is set to “Active“.

SM-6203 - UI | MOBILE | Subscriptions – User Has Verified An Inactive Customer Account Done

SM-1180 - View customer profile Done

As a customer, I want to view my profile in the app so that I can check the information is correct and up-to date.


SM-5326 - QA System Test: UI | MOBILE | Onboarding – User Has Viewed Customer Profile Done

SM-1199 - Customer changes - change residential address Done

As a customer, I want to change my residential address so I can have my debit card and mail communication delivered.


  • Residential address is changed according to:


SM-5327 - QA System Test: UI | MOBILE | Onboarding – User Has Changed Residential Address Done

SM-1198 - Customer changes - change email Done

As a customer, I want to change my email address so I can receive email communication from the bank.


SM-5328 - QA System Test: UI | MOBILE | Onboarding – User Has Changed Email Address Done

SM-1196 - Customer changes - change telephone number Done

As a customer, I want to change my phone number.


SM-5329 - QA System Test: UI | MOBILE | Onboarding – User Has Changed Phone Number Done

SM-3690 - Customer changes - change About you / Survey data Done

Personal data from Survey is changed according to:



  • Personal data from Survey is changed according to:


SM-5330 - QA System Test: UI | MOBILE | Onboarding – User Has Changed About you / Survey data Done

SM-3993 - Customer changes - Language Done

As a customer, I want to change the application’s language.




SM-5331 - QA System Test: UI | MOBILE | Onboarding – User Has Changed Language Done

SM-3994 - Customer changes - Tone of Voice Done

As a customer, I want to change the application’s tone of voice.





SM-5332 - QA System Test: UI | MOBILE | Onboarding – User Has Changed Tone Of Voice Done

SM-3995 - Customer profile - PDF documents preview Done

As a user I want to be able to preview documents from settings page.




SM-5333 - QA System Test: UI | MOBILE | Onboarding – User Has Viewed PDF documents preview Done

SM-31 - ONB: Verify customer's unique identity Done

SM-1053 - Deduplicate customer Done

As a system I want to make sure each customer is unique so that I can prevent fraud or creation of multiple customer instances for the same person. User story available here: [https://safibank.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/ITArch/pages/43352205/Identity+verification+Onboarding+step+2|https://safibank.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/ITArch/pages/43352205/Identity+verification+Onboarding+step+2|smart-link ] [https://advancegroup.larksuite.com/docs/docusybbVC8Eg2hG6vFpoKzlzZg|https://advancegroup.larksuite.com/docs/docusybbVC8Eg2hG6vFpoKzlzZg] [https://doc.advance.ai/sg/device_finger_print.html#get-device-info|https://doc.advance.ai/sg/device_finger_print.html#get-device-info|smart-link ]

  • deduplication can be executed and results stored in db
  • client can choose deduplication rules to be executed

Covered in SM-5606

SM-36 - ONB: Get onboarded - KYC Done

SM-389 - Welcome screen Accepted

Customer lands on this screen after launching the app.

User story available here: https://safibank.atlassian.net/l/c/ksQsPAbW

  • customer with Prospect ID is not displayed this screen when launched the app
  • customer without Prospect ID is displayed this screen when launched the app
  • customer can redirect to Sign-in screen

SM-5321 - QA System Test: UI | MOBILE | Onboarding – User Has Viewed Welcome Story Done

SM-5322 - QA System Test: UI | MOBILE | Onboarding – User Has Redirected Welcome Screen Done

SM-5323 - QA System Test: UI | MOBILE | Onboarding – User Has Redirected SaFi Bank Privacy Principles Screen Done

SM-5324 - QA System Test: UI | MOBILE | Onboarding – User Has Redirected Sign in to SaFi Screen Done

SM-2665 - Customer video call for verification - Immediate Done

As a customer I want to get connected immediately to bank agent via video so that my verification can be completed.

BS is available here: Customer video call for verification - Immediate


  • Customer has gone through the whole VideoKYC process
  • Agent has submitted records.
  • Agent has decided that Customer IS eligible for successful onboarding
  • vKYC returns to Customer Manager info about Success.


  • Customer has gone through the whole VideoKYC process
  • Agent has submitted records.
  • Agent has decided that Customer IS NOT eligible for successful onboarding
  • vKYC returns to Customer Manager info about Rejection.


  • Customer closes call while waiting in the queue, without setting a scheduled call
  • Customer closes call during the call
  • Agent can’t decide on result (missing data or guidline)


  • Customer closes the call while waiting in the queue and sets a scheduled call
  • Agent closes the call due to a weak internet connection, notification is sent to the Customer for a scheduled call.

SM-5606 - QA System Test: UI | MOBILE | Onboarding – User Has A Immediate Video Call For Verification Done

SM-2666 - Customer video call for verification - Scheduled Done

As a customer I want to schedule a video call with a bank agent so that my verification can be completed.

BS is available here: https://safibank.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/ITArch/pages/edit-v2/111378440

  • Customer opts for the scheduled call on the final vKYC screen at the end of the onboarding flow https://www.figma.com/file/dkDQHRa1zq7tU58MiL6hBR/SaFi---UI---MVP-(Shared)?node-id=5407%3A34944
  • Customer closes the call while waiting in the queue and sets up the scheduled call
  • Agent closes the call due to a weak internet connection and the push notification is sent to the Customer for the scheduled call.
  • Customer receives a push notification about upcoming video KYC call 10 minutes before due time.
  • Customer receives a push notification in due time
  • Customer will initiate a video KYC call by clicking on push notification

SM-5606 - QA System Test: UI | MOBILE | Onboarding – User Has A Immediate Video Call For Verification Done

SM-1224 - Approved customer setup - customer Accepted

As a customer, I want to have a customer account created once I finish onboarding so that I can start using the app.

  • Customer status changed on BE
  • Customer is able to login to app

Cover when onboarding completed

SM-37 - ONB: Choose subscription plan Done

SM-385 - Subscriptions plan setup Done

As a customer I want to choose subscription plan so that I have package that best suits my needs 

  • I can choose the subscription plan during onboarding.

Covered in SM-1084

SM-1770 - Subscriptions plan setup Done

As a customer I want to choose subscription plan so that I have package that best suits my needs.


  • Possibility to choose a subscription plan

duplicate story with SM-385

SM-1084 - Subscriptions - market value display Done

As a customer I want to get advice on right package so that I can choose the best value for money for me

User story description available here: https://safibank.atlassian.net/l/c/tR1rczXd

  • Customer is presented with 3 subscription plans, plans the structure in provided xls
  • Customer cannot skip the step of choosing a subscription plan
  • When customer chooses a plan, this plan is saved - after login of onboarded customer this plan is visible in the app.

SM-5529 - CLONE - QA System Test: UI | MOBILE | Onboarding – User Has Chosen A Subscription Plan Done

SM-39 - ONB: Get secure access to the application Done

SM-1208 - Request resending of SMS OTP Done

As a customer I want to request new SMS OTP so that I can securely link phone number to application

This User story is covered here:
SM-1207 - Phone number verification via SMS OTP Done


SM-4355 - QA System Test: UI | MOBILE | Onboarding – User Has Requested resending of SMS OTP Done

SM-2166 - Get device fingerprint from AAI Done

As a system I want to get device fingerprint of the phone the customer is using.

User story available here: Get device fingerprint from AAI

  • Harvest Device fingerprint = deviceId from the AAI Device Fingerprint SDK from customer’s device
    When during Onboarding: after the customer grants consent here: SaFi - UI - MVP (Shared)

deviceId: it is expected that within two years, the deviceId generated by the same device will be the same.

  • Make ready deviceId for IAM, when asked.
  • Store in DB

out of scope for EPFS

SM-1203 - SaFi's Offering overview, Intro slide show - product presentation Done

As a customer I want to see main app benefits in stories so that I can get motivated to onboard.

User story available here: https://safibank.atlassian.net/l/c/CgXwGutd

  • Customer can see all 3 static screens presented as “insta story”
  • There si a limited time (parameter set to 4 seconds) for the display of each screen
  • Once the time is up, the next screen is displayed
  • After the 3rd screen the welcome page is displayed
  • Each screen contains “Skip” option which leads the Customer to the next screen.
  • Each screen allows the user to pause the timer.
  • Each screen contains “Back” option which leads the Customer to the previous screen.

Covered in SM-36

SM-2582 - Logout during onboarding - close the application Done

As a customer I want to close the application and come back later to complete onboarding.

BS available here: Logout during onboarding - close the application

There are two stages, wherein the logout can be initiated:

  • Before finishing sign up
    - whole progress is lost,
    - the user needs to start from scratch,
    - IAM Logout service is not accessible
    - a dialogue window type 1 pops up
  • After sign up
    - whole progress is saved
    - the user can continue from the finished stage of the onboarding process
    - IAM Logout service is accessible as this is the registered customer that is logged in (Logout from app )
    - a dialogue window type 2 pops up
  • UI requirements: 2 dialogue windows informing the customer about the impact of quitting the onboarding process and asking for confirmation from the customer.

Covered in SM-1213

SM-2583 - Logout during onboarding - inactivity Done

As a customer I want to be automatically logged out due to inactivity so that my money stays secure.

BS available here: Logout during onboarding - inactivity

  • Customer is logged in and if not using the app for 5 mins the system will automatically end session and display non first login page - provide passcode/fingerprint/faceId (time outside the app is being considered as part of 5min inactivity timescale).
  • Customer is logged in, if customer locks its phone it will be automatically end session from the app.
  • Customer is logged in, leaves the app and goes into another app and comes back to the app (remains logged in)

SM-5605 - QA System Test: UI | MOBILE | Onboarding – User Has Automatically Logged Out During Onboarding Inactivity Done

SM-1211 - Save application Done

As a customer I want to continue my onboarding where I left off so that I don't need to input same information

Business specification available here: Save application

Within the Onboarding flow, after setting a passcode, the customer will have the possibility to return to this onboarding flow to the nearest backward checkpoint possible:

  • Checkpoint: After setting Passcode

SaFi - UI - MVP (Shared)

  • Checkpoint: After OCR, ID and Address info

SaFi - UI - MVP (Shared)

  • Checkpoint: After Liveness check

SaFi - UI - MVP (Shared)

  • Checkpoint: After Additional information

SaFi - UI - MVP (Shared)

Resetting the onboarding flow :

  • IF the prospective Customer doesn’t continue in the onboarding process, after 7 days from the last activity, overall onboarding flow will be reset.
  • IF the prospective customer doesn’t input his correct passcode after 3 attempts,
    overall onboarding flow will be reset.
  • After logging in with the passcode, FE will call BE service for the nearest backward checkpoint.
  • FE will set the focus on fetched checkpoint
  • In case of unfinished onboarding, the customer can log into the app and continue in the interrupted onboarding from the nearest backward checkpoint.

Covered in SM-1213

SM-1213 - Login to continue onboarding Done

As a customer I want to be able to log in to the application so that I can continue in onboarding.

User story available here: https://safibank.atlassian.net/l/c/LiopLzy3

Within the Onboarding flow, after setting a passcode, the customer will have the possibility to return to this onboarding flow to the nearest backward checkpoint possible:

  • Checkpoint: After setting Passcode

SaFi - UI - MVP (Shared)

  • Checkpoint: After OCR, ID and Address info

SaFi - UI - MVP (Shared)

  • Checkpoint: After Liveness check

SaFi - UI - MVP (Shared)

  • Checkpoint: After Additional information

SaFi - UI - MVP (Shared)

Resetting the onboarding flow :

  • IF the prospective Customer doesn’t continue in the onboarding process, after 7 days from the last activity, overall onboarding flow will be reset.
  • IF the prospective customer doesn’t input his correct passcode after 3 attempts,
    overall onboarding flow will be reset.
  • After logging in with the passcode, FE will call BE service for the nearest backward checkpoint.
  • FE will set the focus on fetched checkpoint
  • In case of unfinished onboarding, the customer can log into the app and continue in the interrupted onboarding from the nearest backward checkpoint.

SM-4475 - QA System Test: UI | MOBILE | Onboarding - User Has Login To Continue Onboarding From Saved “Re-recheck before proceeding screen Done

SM-1207 - Phone number verification via SMS OTP Done

As a customer I want to verify myself via SMS OTP so that I can securely link phone number to application.

BS available here: Phone number verification via SMS OTP

During Onboarding

  • Customer adds a new phone number
  • Customer receives OTP via SMS in a reasonable time
  • Customer is allowed to request resending of a new SMS of the same OTP

Customer profile change -

  • Customer changes his phone number
  • Customer receives OTP via SMS in a reasonable time
  • Customer is allowed to request resending of a new SMS of the same OTP

SM-4411 - QA System Test: UI | MOBILE | Onboarding – User Has Phone number verification via SMS OTP Done

SM-1202 - Download app Done

As a customer I want to find & install application so that I can start using it.


  • The application is available for download and installation online.

out of scope for EPFS

SM-1206 - Check phone number uniqness Done

As a system I want to check customer for duplicity against existing bank customers and prospects so that I can make sure customer can be onboarded.

Deduplication part: SM-1053 - Deduplicate customer Done

US is covered in Business specification available here: Deduplicate customers (Onboarding step 2)

  • IF all Duplicity checks are FALSE, i.e. no duplicity has been found, THEN Customer is displayed the Success screen at the end of the onboarding flow (SaFi - UI - MVP (Shared) ) and onboarding is finished.
  • IF at least 1 Duplicity check is TRUE, i.e. some duplicity has been found, THEN Customer is displayed the vKYC screen at the end of the onboarding flow, i.e. the onboarding can’t be finished without a call with the human Agent.

Covered in SM-5606

SM-538 - Choose Tone of Voice Done

As a customer I want to choose my preferred Tone of Voice used in the app at the beginning of the onboarding flow so that I can feel appropriately addressed by the app.

User story available here: https://safibank.atlassian.net/l/c/Uwuutupv

  • The customer can choose from 2 tones of voice
  • The customer can indicate a preferred tone of voice (if the text mutation is available)
  • The app reflects the chosen tone of voice (if the text mutation is available)

SM-4419 - QA System Test: UI | MOBILE | Onboarding – User Has Choose Tone of Voice Formal Type Of Word Done

SM-5314 - QA System Test: UI | MOBILE | Onboarding – User Has Choose Tone of Voice Friendly Type Of Word Done

SM-1204 - Privacy policy, Terms of Use, T&C acceptation Done

As a customer, I want to accept T&C so that I can continue in onboarding.

User story available here: https://safibank.atlassian.net/l/c/jQuvGXYb

  • By clicking on each of the links a correct document type in its last version is displayed to the Customer
  • the Customer that does not agree to all of the documents (does not tick the checkbox), cannot proceed with onboarding
  • Once accepted the consent, the version of each document and timestamp is stored in the Prospect profile
  • In case some document is not downloaded and displayed to the customer, the error/info screen will pop up and the customer is asked to reload/retry or return to this step later on.

SM-4456 - QA System Test: UI | MOBILE | Onboarding – User Has Viewed The Privacy Policy Done

SM-5353 - QA System Test: UI | MOBILE | Onboarding – User Has Viewed The Terms of Use Done

SM-5354 - QA System Test: UI | MOBILE | Onboarding – User Has Viewed The Terms and Conditions Done

SM-5355 - QA System Test: UI | MOBILE | Onboarding – User Has Not Able To Proceed To Onboarding When T&C Not Confirmed Done

SM-5356 - QA System Test: UI | MOBILE | Onboarding – User Has Accepted The Consent Done

SM-2181 - Age and Country verification Done

As a system, I want to verify the customer’s age and nationality so that I can allow onboarding only to the eligible customer.

No onboarding is allowed IF:

  • IF Customer is younger than 18 years (date of onboarding - date of birth)
  • IF Customer’s nationality is OTHER THAN Filipino

Pop-window will red text will be displayed:

  • Formal:
    Sorry, you must be 18 years old and above to open an account with us.
  • Friendly:
    Sorry about that! You need to be 18 years old and above to open an account with us.
  • Formal:
    Sorry! We would love to include everyone. But you must be a Filipino citizen to open an account with us.
  • Friendly:
    Sorry about that! While we’d love to include everyone, you need to be a Filipino citizen to open an account with us.

SM-4478 - QA System Test: UI | MOBILE | Onboarding – User Has Unable To PASS On Age Verification Done

SM-5319 - QA System Test: UI | MOBILE | Onboarding – User Has Unable To PASS On Country Verification Done

SM-4184 - ONB: Get onboarded - Risk assessment & Credit scoring Done

SM-1068 - Application submit/Customer KYC assessment Accepted

As a customer I want to submit my onboarding application so that I can get informed about result

BS available here: Application submit/Customer KYC assessment & Credit Scoring

  • OSP gets all necessary KYC data from onboarding
  • Customer is displayed the result screen based on the Results table
  • All fetched data is published in Kafka

SM-5325 - QA System Test: UI | MOBILE | Onboarding – User Has Completed Account Risk assessment & Credit scoring Done

SM-1001 - CUS: Simple consent management Done



Covered in privacy policy

1.1.2. Customer

Total: 7 . Chart by: Status


Epic Ticket

Story Ticket

User Story

Acceptance Criteria

Test Case ID

Test Result

Bug ID

SM-38 - ONB: Provide necessary data for onboarding Done

SM-3528 - Viber usage Cancelled

As a System, I want to know whether Customer is using Viber or not.





SM-1772 - ID data input Done

As a customer I want to get pre-filled data from 10IDs and fill in data that was not recognized so that I can provide my presonal data.

User story available here:


Covered in SM-4483


SM-551 - Liveness check Done

As a customer I want to record video of my face so that my liveness can be checked

User story available here: https://safibank.atlassian.net/l/c/pxPfSqKq

  • Customer who has finished ID verification can proceed to Facial verification.
  • Customer is given instructions based on the real positioning.
  • only Customer who has been assessed as a live person as well as a Customer with matching face to the face provided on the ID can receive a positive outcome of facial verification.
  • Customer failing in one of the conditions above cannot proceed, can repeat the liveness check.
  • In case of OK result, liveness ID and score is stored within Customer profile.
  • Customer can proceed with onboarding in all cases:
  • service is accessible and functioning and liveness check result is OKservice is accessible and functioning and liveness check result is NOKservice is not accessible and not functioning.

SM-4495 - QA System Test: UI | MOBILE | Onboarding – User Has Completed Liveness Check Done


SM-1214 - ID scanning and verification for 6 IDs supported by AAI Done

As a customer I want to scan my ID (up to 10 types) so that my identity can be confirmed

Supported IDs by AAI:

  • UMID

  • Driver’s license

  • TIN

  • SSS

  • Passport

User story available here:


SM-4483 - QA System Test: UI | MOBILE | Onboarding – User Has Completed ID Scanning and Verification Done


SM-1218 - Additional customer data Done

As a customer I want to input additional personal data to fulfill KYC requirements

User story available here: Additional customer data

  • All defined questions (screens) with pre-defined answers will be displayed and must be answered during the onboarding process.
  • All embedded steps must follow the defined conditions.

Covered in SM-4499


SM-1216 - PEP and US residency Accepted

As a customer, I want to claim that I am neither listed as PEP nor an US citizen or permanent resident.

User story available here: https://safibank.atlassian.net/l/c/npmHiK1m

  • 2 flags are saved under the customer profile once the Customer passes the screen

SM-4498 - QA System Test: UI | MOBILE | Onboarding – User Has Validated Details For PEP And US Residency On Back Office Done


SM-1215 - ID scanning and verification for 4 IDs unsupported by AAI Done

As a customer I want to scan my ID (up to 10 types) so that my identity can be confirmed

User story available here:

PH National ID - annotation already started

PRC - annotation already started

NEW TIN - need more samples to start annotation

PAG IBIG ID - need samples

POSTAL ID - need samples

Voters ID - Model training started

OCR Available in AAI: 09.09.22
Forgery: 30.09.22


Covered in SM-4483


SM-1673 - Fetching and filling address info Done

As a customer I want to get the address info prefilled in all possible address fields so that I don’t have to bother to fill it in by myself.

BS: Fetching and filling address info

  • To display a dialogue window to ask for the customer’s approval with fetching the address info
  • To fetch the address info,
  • Fill it in UI fields
  • Get aligned with catalogue address values
  • Enable the additional choice from the list of values (catalogue)

SM-4499 - QA System Test: UI | MOBILE | Onboarding – User Has Completed Fetching and filling address info Done


SM-2134 - ONB_CUS: Non-functional Requirements - EPFS Done

SM-672 - BE: Search account based on account number Done

Story: As a system, I want to search for an account based on the account number

As a consequence, we will be able to look for account owner based on account number


  • Account inquiry to validate account number and account type
  • Get main account based on sub-account number
  • Get balance by account number


1.1.3. Subscription

Total: 8 . Chart by: Status


Epic Ticket

Story Ticket

User Story

Acceptance Criteria

Test Case ID

Test Result

Bug ID

SM-2717 - Show Subscription details In Progress

SM-2704 - Show current usage of the subscription plan Accepted

Role: System

Objective: Show internally current usage of the subscription plan

Reason: The customer would like to see details on how much he has already used the Subscription plan.

Functional requirements:

  • We have to show to customer:

    • all operations in his current Subscription plan, how many he has already used and how many he has left.

  • All things mentioned above are visible on the screen.

SM-5334 - QA System Test: UI | MOBILE | Subscriptions – User Has Viewed Subscriptions details Done

SM-2703 - Show Subscriptions details Done

Role: Customer

Objective: Show the customer all basic data regarding his plan

Reason: The customer would like to see details of his subscription.

Functional requirements:

  • As a customer, I would like to see details of my subscription:

    • What is the status of subscription - active/inactive

    • When is the next autodebit date

    • What is my currently selected plan

  • All things mentioned above are visible on the screen.


SM-4520 - QA System Test: UI | MOBILE | Onboarding – User Has Chosen A Subscription Plan Accepted

SM-5334 - QA System Test: UI | MOBILE | Subscriptions – User Has Viewed Subscriptions details Done

SM-2718 - Edit subscription To Do

SM-3638 - Change subscription plan Done

Role: Customer

Objective: Let the customer change his current subscription plan.

Reason: The customer would like to change the plan to save his money.

Functional requirements:

  • The customer can change his subscription plan to one of the two remaining ones.

  • It is applied based on the selected plan if it is higher or lower than the actual one.

  • If it is an upgrade to a higher plan, the change is made immediately, the full amount is charged immediately and the plan is renewed along with new autodebit date.
  • If it is an upgrade to a lower plan, the change is applied from the next subscription cycle.

SM-5608 - QA System Test: UI | MOBILE | Subscriptions – User Has Change Subscription Plan Done

SM-2719 - Charging subscription fee In Progress


SM-2711 - Waive subscription fee Done


Role: Customer

Objective: Let the customer waive the fee for the current cycle.

Reason: If the customer is not content with the provided services, he has the option to waive the already paid fee.

Functional requirements:

  • As a customer, I can waive the subscription fee for the current cycle (cannot waive previous or future ones).

  • The customer can waive only paid fee for the current cycle.


  • When the customer waives the fee, then:
    • the customer has automatically credited the money he has paid for a latest subscription package
  • Request for CC is part of another User Story Inform Customer care about waiving fee


SM-5609 - QA System Test: UI | MOBILE | Subscriptions – User Has Waived Subscription Fee Done

SM-2716 - Set Up Subscriptions Done

SM-2701 - Set up subscription plan Done

SM-4520 - QA System Test: UI | MOBILE | Onboarding – User Has Chosen A Subscription Plan Accepted

SM-2707 - Set up initial plans Done

SM-5334 - QA System Test: UI | MOBILE | Subscriptions – User Has Viewed Subscriptions details Done

SM-2708 - Edit subscription plans setup Done

SM-4520 - QA System Test: UI | MOBILE | Onboarding – User Has Chosen A Subscription Plan Accepted

SM-3182 - Set up fees for transactions outside plan Done

SM-6245 - UI | MOBILE | Subscriptions – User Has Verified Outside Plan Cash-in Transaction Fee Done

SM-6246 - UI | MOBILE | Subscriptions – User Has Verified Outside Plan Cash-Out Transaction Fee Done

SM-6247 - UI | MOBILE | Subscriptions – User Has Verified Transfer Transaction Fee Done

SM-6249 - UI | MOBILE | Subscriptions – User Has Verified Outside Plan Cash-in Via Debit Card Transaction Fee Done

SM-6250 - UI | MOBILE | Subscriptions – User Has Verified Outside Plan Cash-in Via Bank Account Transaction Fee Done

SM-5237 - Add intrabank transaction operation to subscriptions Done

SM-4574 - QA System Test: UI | Mobile | Transactions – User Has Transfer Money Intrabank By Phone Number Done

SM-2720 - Assess operations To Do

SM-2712 - Evaluate operation in regards to subscription plan Done

Cover in SM-2716

SM-2714 - Charge operational fee Done

Cover in SM-3182
