1.2.1. Accounts

Total: 15 . Chart by: Status


Epic Ticket

Story Ticket

User Story

Acceptance Criteria

Test Case ID

Test Result

Bug ID

SM-909 - Manage account Accepted

SM-1025 - Show basic balances overview Accepted

SM-1714 - Show rebranded balances overview Done

As a customer, I want to see the overview of my balances so I am aware of the status of the account.

  • When customers access the balances overview, they get an overview of the main account, sub-accounts, and other products.
  • At this moment, do it the same way as it is in wireframes

Show balances overview


SM-5345 - QA System Test: UI | MOBILE | Accounts – User Has Viewed Basic balances overview Done

SM-1026 - Show details of main account Accepted

πŸ—¨οΈ Show details of main account


  • Bank Code is hardcoded
  • Account Number get from BE
  • Interest Hardcoded
  • Account Name get from BE
  • Wireframes are used

SM-5346 - QA System Test: UI | MOBILE | Accounts – User Has Viewed Details of main account Done

SM-1024 - Show current balance Accepted

Role: Customer

Objective: Show the customer his available balance.

Reason: The customer wants to quickly see how much money he has on the account that he can use.

Functional requirements:

  • By the current balance, is it mean the available balance of the main account.

UI requirements: It is possible to enter a detailed overview of balances from the current balance amount.

  • When customer access the main dashboard, he can see his current balance.

SM-5347 - QA System Test: UI | MOBILE | Accounts – User Has Viewed Current Balance Done

SM-589 - Activate main account Accepted

As a system, I want to activate main account, so other functionalities are enabled.

  • Outgoing transactions (and other functionalities) are now enabled.
  • Subscription fee-charging is initiated.

Further details:

Link to the Confluence

Covered in Cash-in

SM-3734 - Switch account details to MVP UI Done


As a user, I want to see the details of my account, so I can share it with my friends


  • Things are displayed according to the designs.
  • Current interest rate for the main account is shown.

Covered in SM-1024, SM-1025,SM-1026

SM-930 - Earn Interests Accepted

SM-1015 - Show earned interest this month Accepted

Role: Customer

Objective: Show customers their accrued (but not yet paid) interest for their pockets

Reason: To show customers they are earning money even when they are not immediately visible on their balance.

Functional requirements:

  • The customer can see the total accrued interest for all their pockets

  • This must be updated on daily basis.

UI requirements:

  • We need to show the currently accrued value and inform them that the full value will be added by the end of the month.

  • Customer can see earned (accrued) interest at any given moment.
  • On the first day of the month, it is zero.

SM-5344 - QA System Test: UI | MOBILE | Accounts – User Has Viewed Earned Interest This Month Done

SM-1012 - Calculate interests on main account Done

We have to calculate interest for the main account.

  • Transactions crediting main account with accumulated interest is generated by the end of the month.
  • It is possible to see in the database what is currently accrued interest for each main account.

SM-5438 - QA System Test: UI | MOBILE | Accounts – User Has Earned Interest On Main Account For 1 Month Done

SM-1013 - Calculate interest on unlocked pocket Done

Role: System

Objective: Periodically calculate and credit interest for the unlocked sub account.

Reason: The customers needs to get monthly interest on their account

Functional requirements:

  • Interest accrual is calculated:

    • on daily basis

    • from the account balance (already accrued interest is not included)

    • by the end of the day.

  • Interest payout is done on monthly basis.

  • Interest rate for the unlocked sub account can be different from interest rate for main account and for locked sub account.

  • Interest rate is stored in the database and will be changed over time.

  • Transactions crediting unlocked sub account with accumulated interest is generated by the end of the month.
  • It is possible to see in the database what is currently accrued interest for each unlocked sub account.

SM-5352 - QA System Test: UI | MOBILE | Accounts – User Has Calculated The Projected Monthly Interest Earned For Unlocked Pocket Done

SM-5436 - QA System Test: UI | MOBILE | Accounts – User Has Earned Interest On Unlocked Pocket For 1 Month Done

SM-1014 - Calculate interest on locked pocket Done

Role: System

Objective: Periodically calculate and credit interest for the locked sub account.

Reason: The customers needs to get monthly interest on their account

Functional requirements:

  • Interest accrual is calculated:

    • on daily basis

    • from the account balance (already accrued interest is not included)

    • by the end of the day.

  • Interest payout is done by the end of the tenure.

  • Interest rate for the unlocked sub account can be different from interest rate for main account and for locked sub account.

  • Interest rate is stored in the database and will be changed over time.

Alternative scenarios:

  • Locked sub account is changed to the unlocked sub account - this will be covered by separate user story.

  • Transactions crediting locked sub account with accumulated interest is generated by the end of the tenure.
  • It is possible to see in the database what is currently accrued interest for each locked sub account.

SM-5348 - QA System Test: UI | MOBILE | Accounts – User Has Earned Interest On Locked Pocket For 1 Month Done

SM-5349 - QA System Test: UI | MOBILE | Accounts – User Has Earned Interest On Locked Pocket For 1 Year Done

SM-5350 - QA System Test: UI | MOBILE | Accounts – User Has Earned Interest On Locked Pocket For 2 Year Done

SM-1018 - Tax payed interest Done

Role: System

Objective: Calculate and deduct taxes when interests are being paid out to the account.

Reason: Due to regulation, all interest gains must be taxed.

Functional requirements:

  • This applies to all types of accounts (main, unlocked, locked).

  • All types of accounts have the same tax rate.

  • All taxes are sent to a special internal account.

  • The tax rate is 20 %.

  • When a customer is paid the interest, there is an automatically created transaction deducting it from the same account where it was received.

Covered in pockets

SM-1017 - Predict lost interest on locked pocket Done

Role: System

Objective: Calculate for customer predicted lost interest rate when he tries to withdraw from the locked sub account.

Reason: Show user what he will lose if he tries to withdraw from the locked sub account, which converts the pocket to the unlocked.

Functional requirements:

  • Predict lost interest lost by converting locked pocket to the unlocked one.

    • value lost = currently accrued interest - acrrued interest if it was unlocked pocket from the start

  • When the customer tries to close the locked pocket, he will see the amount he will lose as specified above

Wireframes: Design of the modal, the wording will change SaFi - UI - MVP (Shared)

Covered in close pocket

SM-1016 - Project expected profit for locked pocket Done

Role: Customer

Objective: Show customers what will be the expected profit (whole interest earned) by the end of the cycle.

Reason: To show customer how much they will earn and to motivate them to keep the pocket locked.

Functional requirements:

  • The customer can total expected interest gained over time.

  • Customer can see total expected earned interest at any moment in locked pocket details.

Design: SaFi - UI - MVP (Shared)

SM-5351 - QA System Test: UI | MOBILE | Accounts – User Has Calculated The Projected Interest Earned For Locked Pocket Done

SM-2255 - Change interest rates Done

System should support changing interest rates across the system for all types of accounts.

Role: System

Objective: When interest rates are globally changed, apply it to all accounts properly.

Reason: To keep up with market changes.

Functional requirements:

  • Interest rates can be changed for main accounts and both unlocked and locked pockets (all tenures).

  • The system should allow to change it anytime, however, the change will be applied immediately

  • The change will be applied to:

    • all new accounts

    • all existing accounts

  • Interests gained before the change is applied are not retrospectively changed.

When the interest rates are changed, then:

  • they are visible in the mobile app immediately.
  • interests are calculated according to new interest rates


Need to change interest rate on back office?

SM-1776 - Show total earned interest Done

Role: Customer

Objective: Show customers total earned interest (both accrued and paid out) for all pockets.

Reason: To show customers how much they have earned on their pockets over time.

Functional requirements:

  • The customer can see the total accrued+paid out interest for all their pockets

  • This must be updated on daily basis.

UI requirements:

  • We need to show the currently accrued value and inform them that the full value will be added by the end of the month.

  • Customer can see the total interest over time.
  • When the pocket is removed, the total earned interest is subsidized by the amount which was earned by the pocket.

Design: SaFi - UI - MVP (Shared)

SM-5348 - QA System Test: UI | MOBILE | Accounts – User Has Earned Interest On Locked Pocket For 1 Month Done

SM-5349 - QA System Test: UI | MOBILE | Accounts – User Has Earned Interest On Locked Pocket For 1 Year Done

SM-5350 - QA System Test: UI | MOBILE | Accounts – User Has Earned Interest On Locked Pocket For 2 Year Done

SM-3732 - Make limit for Interest rates in Saving Pockets Done

We need to limit Interest rates for Savings pockets. After the limit is reached, an additional balance is earned interest with a lower interest rate.

Variable Interest rates based on limit

Role: System

Objective: Lower Interest rate on each Pocket when the pocket`s limit has been reached.

Reason: To limit the earnings of the customer for proper cash-flow.

Functional requirements:

  • There will be one limit for all pockets (e.g. 500 000 PHP per Pocket).

  • All money above the limit will have lower interest same (same for all pockets, e.g. 0.1% )


  • Money under the said limit have standard interest rate.
  • Money above the said limit has decreased interest rate.

SM-6030 - UI | MOBILE | Accounts – User Has Calculated The Projected The Lower Monthly Interest Earned For Unlocked Pocket With Max Balance Limit Done

SM-3834 - Main Dashboard To Do

SM-3131 - Show main dashboard - first version Accepted


Show main dashboard


  • Show main dashboard

Covered in SM-5346

SM-4134 - Slacker - Fraud prevention To Do







SM-4380 - Accounts Microservices security - authorization, authentication To Do







SM-4430 - Support Bank statements To Do


This is covered by SM-256 - EPFS Bank Statement Done


This is covered by SM-256 - EPFS Bank Statement Done


This is covered by SM-256 - EPFS Bank Statement Done

1.2.2. Pockets

Total: 18 . Chart by: Status


Epic Ticket

Story Ticket

User Story

Acceptance Criteria

Test Case ID

Test Result

Bug ID

SM-911 - Manage unlocked pocket Accepted

SM-1777 - Show pockets overview Accepted

As a customer, I want to see overview of my currently existing pockets and get an idea how much money I have earned already.

πŸ—¨οΈ Show pockets overview

  • When I go to the Pocket overview, I can see all my existing pockets.
  • If there are less than 8 pockets, I can go to creating a new pocket flow.

SM-4832 - QA System Test: UI | MOBILE | Accounts – User Has Viewed Pockets Overview Details Done

SM-2201 - Edit unlocked pocket Accepted

As a customer, I would like to change Pocket name and/or Pocket Targets

πŸ—¨οΈ Edit unlocked pocket

  • The customer can edit:
    • Name of the pocket
    • Image
    • Target Date
    • Target Amount
  • All these changes are applied and visible right after confirming the edit.

SM-5335 - QA System Test: UI | MOBILE | Accounts – User Has Edited unlocked pocket Done

SM-1173 - Lock unlocked pocket Accepted

As a customer, I would like to lock unlocked pocket so I will gain higher interest rate.

Full User Story:

πŸ—¨οΈ Lock unlocked pocket

Technical description:

Saving pocket - interest computation

  • The previously unlocked pocket is closed.
  • A new locked pocket with the whole amount of previously unlocked pockets is created.

SM-5336 - QA System Test: UI | MOBILE | Accounts – User Has Lock unlocked pocket Done

SM-1766 - Withdraw from unlocked pocket Accepted

The customer can select, which part of the balance will get credited to the main account and which to the new unlocked pocket.

πŸ—¨οΈ Withdraw from unlocked pocket

  • When the customer withdraws from the unlocked pocket, then the selected amount is credited to the main account

SM-5337 - QA System Test: UI | MOBILE | Accounts – User Has Withdrawn from unlocked pocket Done

SM-2254 - Upload a pocket image Accepted

As a Customer, I would like to upload a custom image to my pocket so it is personalized.

πŸ—¨οΈ Upload a pocket image

  • It is possible to upload an image during pocket creation.
  • It is possible to change the pocket image when in the Settings screen.
  • The selected image is then visible in the pocket details.

SM-5338 - QA System Test: UI | MOBILE | Accounts – User Has Uploaded a pocket image Done

SM-1171 - Show unlocked pocket details Accepted

As a customer, I would like to see details of the unlocked pocket so I can verify current progress and access relevant features.

πŸ—¨οΈ Show unlocked pocket details

  • All unlocked pocket details are visible.
  • It is possible to access described functionalities.

SM-5339 - QA System Test: UI | MOBILE | Accounts – User Has Viewed unlocked pocket details Done

SM-913 - Close unlocked pocket Accepted

SM-1265 - Close unlocked pocket Accepted

As a customer, I want to close the unlocked pocket so I can use my money for different needs.

πŸ—¨οΈ Close unlocked pocket

  • When the customer closes the unlocked pocket, then all the balances (both amount on the account + accrued interest) are credited to the main account.
  • The unlocked pocket is closed.

SM-4869 - QA System Test: UI | MOBILE | Accounts – User Has Closed Unlocked Pocket Done

SM-914 - Open locked pocket Accepted

SM-553 - Open locked pocket Accepted

I as a customer want to open a locked pocket.

  • When there are more than 8 active sub-accounts, a new sub-account cannot be created.
  • After successful creation, all data are stored properly in the database and in TM Vault.
  • Outgoing and incoming transactions to the locked sub-account are not allowed.

SM-4872 - QA System Test: UI | MOBILE | Accounts – User Has Open Locked Pocket Done

SM-916 - Manage locked pocket Accepted

SM-1150 - Change tenure on locked pocket Accepted



SM-5340 - QA System Test: UI | MOBILE | Accounts – User Has Changed tenure on locked pocket Done

SM-1149 - Edit locked pocket Done

As a customer, I would like to edit properties of the locked pocket so it is better aligned to my current saving strategy.

πŸ—¨οΈ Edit locked pocket

  • The customer can edit:
    • Name of the pocket
    • Image
    • Target Amount
    • Autorenewal - Yes or No
    • Tenure
      • only change to a longer tenure is allowed.
  • All these changes are applied and visible right after confirming the edit.

SM-5341 - QA System Test: UI | MOBILE | Accounts – User Has Edited locked pocket Done

SM-1807 - Show locked pocket details Done

SM-2200 - Show locked pocket details - v1 Accepted

Reason: The customer want to see detailed information about his pocket and potentially perform additional actions

Functional requirements:

  • Customer can see on the page:

    • Pocket Name

    • Pocket Image

    • Current balance

    • Target balance

      • Expected profit

    • Activity - overview of transactions

  • Customer can access:

    • Funding pocket

    • Closing pocket

    • Settings

  • All unlocked pocket details are visible.
  • It is possible to access described functionalities.

SM-4886 - QA System Test: UI | MOBILE | Accounts – User Has Viewed locked pocket details Done

SM-1884 - Unlock locked pocket Done

As a customer, I would like to unlock locked pocket so I can access the money immediately.

Full User Story:

πŸ—¨οΈ Unlock locked pocket

Technical description:

Saving pocket - interest computation

  • The previously locked pocket is closed.
  • A new unlocked pocket with the correct amount (principal amount of previously locked pocket + interest as if it was unlocked pocket) is created.

SM-5342 - QA System Test: UI | MOBILE | Accounts – User Has Unlock locked pocket Done

SM-1153 - Withdraw from locked pocket Done

As a customer, I want to withdraw money from a locked pocket so I can access a portion of my finances immediately.

πŸ—¨οΈ Withdraw from locked pocket

  • When the customer withdraws from the locked pocket, then:
    • The selected amount is credited to the main account
    • locked pocket is changed to unlocked pocket along with recalculation of interests

SM-5343 - QA System Test: UI | MOBILE | Accounts – User Has Withdrawn from locked pocket Done

SM-919 - Open unlocked pocket Accepted

SM-1146 - FE: Open unlocked pocket Accepted

Reason: The customer wants to manage his money and get a better interest rate.

Functional requirements:

  • Customer is allowed to have up to 8 active sub-accounts of both unlocked and locked type

    • If this would be his 9th account, he gets an error message, and a sub-account is not created.

  • At first, the customer is shown a few screens how the sub-accounts works.

  • During opening the unlocked sub-account, the customer has the option to fill in these details:

    • Name

    • Picture (Optional)

    • Type - Locked/Unlocked

    • Target amount (optional)

    • Target date (optional)

  • After that, a sub-account is created and the user is redirected to the next screen.

  • Subaccount doesn’t have a visible account number.

  • In the future, there will be saving strategies (round-ups + recurring payments), but they are not in the scope yet.

  • In the future (after MVP), there will be option for templates:

    • During the first step of the creation of a sub-account (name+ picture) customer will be able to choose between several templates for quick setup.

      • When the template is chosen, all fields are automatically prefilled and the customer can edit them.

      • e.g. Emergency funds, Holidays, …

  • When there are more than 8 active sub-accounts, a new sub-account cannot be created.
  • If the customer chose a template, all other information is prefilled.
  • After successful creation, all data are stored properly in the database and in TM Vault.

SM-4814 - QA System Test: UI | MOBILE | Accounts – User Has Open Unlocked Pocket Done

SM-1145 - Show educational text and video content Accepted

Objective: Show educational content to the customer during the creation of the all pockets.

Reason: The customer needs to understand the advantages of the pockets.

  • When I start opening the unlocked account, I can see the educational content.
  • I can skip educational content and go straight to the standard flow.

Covered in open pocket

SM-993 - Close locked pocket Accepted

SM-2244 - Close locked pocket when tenure is finished Done

When the tenure on the locked pocket is finished, the locked pocket should be either renewed or unlocked.

πŸ—¨οΈ Close locked pocket when tenure is finished

  • When the tenure (duration of pocket) is reached:
    • If the autorenewal is set on, then a new cycle begins β†’ locked pocket balance is updated (interest is added to the locked balance) and the pocked is locked with same tenure as the previously.
    • If the autorenewal is set off, whole account is unlocked (including interest)

Covered in calculate interest on lock pocket for 1 month, 1 year, 2 years

SM-1154 - Close locked pocket manually Accepted

As a customer, I want to close locked pocket so I can access the money immediately.

πŸ—¨οΈ Close locked pocket manually

  • When the customer closes the unlocked pocket, then all the balances (principal amount of locked pocket + interest as if it was unlocked pocket) are credited to the main account.
  • The locked pocket is closed.

SM-4910 - QA System Test: UI | MOBILE | Accounts – User Has Manually Closed Locked Pocket Done