BOFE web notifications

Part of the Maker-checker flows. These are notifications arriving at the back-office frontend.

  1. Checker notifications

    • Story: Checker notifications

    • Whenever a pending change is created by a BO user, their direct supervisor is notified

    • In the rare case that the change is created preapproved (used for doc upload) no notification is sent

  2. Maker notifications

    • Story: Maker notifications

    • Whenever a pending change is approved or rejected or failed the maker of the change is notified

    • This includes approval/rejection by checker or automatic rejection by the system at the end of the day

See details in: BOFE web notifications

Customer notifications

Related to Jira Ticketing System , user story: Notify customer when a ticket is changed .

When a ticket state is changed in a ticket related to a customer that customer is notified.

We use Jira webhook to watch Jira for any changes including tickets, users, etc.

For ‘closed’ notification, since for all of tickets, their final status must be ‘CLOSED’, we only need to check if a ticket’s status is ‘CLOSED’.

See details in Use Jira webhook to receive Jira changes and notify if needed .

Call center notifications

Related to Genesys Call Center and Jira Ticketing System

When a ticket is returned to the call center operator they would be notified in Genesys

Ticket transitions to trigger this: TBD

TODO: Technical analysis