SM-991 - Enable user to get OD loan Done

Epic: SM-959 - Get an overdraft Resolved
Priority: as per Jira
Effort estimate: as per Jira
Review status: in review

Role: client

Objective: wants to get the pre-approved OD loan asap.

Reason: users would like to get access to OD amounts. For SaFi, it’s a great tool to build up users' credit history.

Functional requirements:

  • Implementation of the workflow handling the overdraft life cycle with connected API.

  • Pls see the technical documentation here Loans Technical documentation

UI requirements:

  • Discussed and agreed during the wireframe development: Getting an OD should be one of the most simple process at SaFi, as PH people tend to be suspicious about loans. No text-heavy parts, as few legal wording as possible, simple explanations, clear UI is necessary.

Process flow:

  1. Start of the flow (not scope of this US)

    1. User selects the OD loan tile in Dashboard

    2. User selects the hamburger menu in app → selects Loan products → selects overdraft

    3. User selects the push notification nudging him to take a look on OD loan

  2. Educational screen: 3 of them, can be skipped (not scope of this US, covered here)

  3. User specifies the OD amount with a slider

    1. IR and fees change dynamically

    2. User can learn about the restrictions of the OD loans

    3. Confirms the amount and so accepts the conditions of the loan

  4. PIN confirmation of the action

  5. OD amount is credited to user’s main account (not scope of this US, covered here)

  6. User is returned to OD Center screen (not scope of this US, covered here)

Execution steps:

Internal dependencies:

  • Intrabank payment from bank technical account to users' main accounts

  • Risk engine calculations

External dependencies: (3rd party prerequisites)

  • n/a

Alternative scenarios:

  • OD not available in app, Personal loan and BNPL are offered only

Acceptance criteria:

  • OD amount slider includes minimum and maximum values of credit line (Minimum defined as global parameter, maximum defined by credit line)

  • Credit line match the limit displayed on other parts of the app (e.g. Dashboard, Loan Overview, etc. As all screens taking the data from Product recommendation table, that is the single version of truth)

  • Fee and IR might be changing while client is changing the amount

  • Modal about OD restricitions pops up incl. description of restrictions (these)

  • Approval button is always clickable

  • Approval button includes amount chosen by client

  • Client can go back to Dashboard w/ back button on top left corner

  • User can only change the amount on the slider by every ₱5. Cents are not used.

Links to wireframes/UI: