SaFi Bank Space : Back-Office: Product handover

Domain overview


Product documentation

Technical documentation


  • sign-in

  • specific views

Access control

User management


Access Matrix


  • search

  • view

  • edit

  • offboard

Customer search, view and edit

Back-office front-end (BOFE)

Customer Dashboard

Customer Dashboard

Customer Subscription

  • view

  • change / waive / freeze

Customer Subscription

Documents and ID Documents

  • upload

  • view

  • edit / rename

  • verify / reject / invalidate

Documents and ID Documents


  • view

  • edit

  • block / ublock



  • search

  • view

  • flagged transactions

  • manual transactions

Transactions search, view and adjustments


  • view

  • block / unblock / close

Pockets (AlkanSafe)

Personal Loan and Overdraft

  • view

Personal loan and Overdraft (FundTawid)

Cards and Card Delivery

  • view details / transactions

  • delivery view

  • adjust / freeze / unfreeze / block

  • dispute / unblock

Cards and cards delivery

Audit Log

History (audit log) view

Audit log manager

Jira Ticketing System

  • create / view tickets

Jira tickets

Jira Ticketing System

Jira gateway

Ticket manager

Maker-Checker process

  • view change requests

  • track / log changes requests

  • notifications

Maker-Checker process

Maker-Checker flow

Maker-checker flows

Backoffice notifications


  • upload / process / generate reports

Reconciliation process


Genesys Callcenter Integration

  • customer authentication

  • communication log

Genesys Callcenter Integration

Genesys Call Center

Genesys gateway

Communication history manager

Meiro (CDP, aka Analytical CRM)

  • Customer profile

  • Next best offer

  • CSAT / NPS score

  • Atome

Meiro CDP

Meiro gateway [wip]

Scope that was not yet completed

  • Documents

    • SM-7031 - Show invalidated documents Done (in progress Nov-29)

    • SM-7724 - Display also invalidated ID cards Done (new task, added Nov-29)

  • Offboarding

    • SM-1191 - Initiate offboarding procedure Done (in progress Nov-29)

    • SM-7733 - When customer is offboarded disallow all BOFE changes Done (new task, added Nov-29)

  • Accounts & transactions

    • Transaction balance SAF-1173 - Show transaction balance Done

    • SM-6276 - UI | BOFE | Variable interests rates applied on the account are not reflected anywhere in BOFE Done

    • SAF-1176 - Fill in both account IDs for tx reversal Done (new task, added Nov-29)

  • Cards

    • Cards status report SAF-934 - Card status update report integration Ready for Testing

    • Expected delivery date SM-6190 - Display expected delivery date for card Done

    • Dispute SAF-938 - Filling a dispute / chargeback by customer Backlog

    • Unblock SAF-939 - Blocking / unblocking amount (for incoming transactions) Ready for Testing

  • Jira

    • Notifications SM-6471 - Send message to customer when ticket has been resolved Resolved

    • Migrate to proper system account SAF-513 - Use a System account credentials to create Jira tickets Backlog

  • Cross-sell / upsell

    • Epic: SAF-891 - BO: Upsell/cross sell Backlog

  • Reconciliation

    • Bills payments SAF-1401 - BO: Reconciliation - Bill Payments Backlog

  • Genesys

    • Communication history log SM-5236 - Log communication history from Genesys Done (in progress Nov-29)

  • Meiro

    • Meiro SAF-884 - BO: Meiro integration Backlog also part of the dashboard, upsell, Atome:

      • SAF-887 - Customer Dashboard - Satisfaction Scores [tile] Backlog

      • SAF-888 - Customer Dashboard - Upsell / X-sell [tile] Backlog

  • BOFE notifications

    • FE part SM-2083 - Maker/Checker notifications FE Resolved

  • Security

    • FE protection SAF-949 - BOFE vulnerability protection Backlog

  • NFRs

    • The task is to verify NFR status, some would be already implemented

    • SM-7418 - [NFR] Use common generated Kafka helpers - Backoffice squad Done

    • SM-7379 - [NFR] Input sanitization - Backoffice squad Accepted

    • SAF-953 - [NFR] Data privacy - endpoint exposure - Backoffice squad Backlog

Public launch features overview

  • SAF-985 - BO: Buy now pay later (Atome) Backlog

  • Other reconciliations

    • SAF-940 - BO: Reconciliation - Disbursement Wallet Backlog

    • SAF-945 - BO: Reconciliation - Internal Account Backlog

    • SAF-906 - BO: Reconciliation - Card Settlement Process Backlog

    • SAF-959 - Encrypt and password protect the reconciliation exports Backlog

  • SAF-914 - BO: Collections (Loxon related BOFE functionality) Backlog

  • SAF-977 - BO: Manual Bill Payments Backlog

  • SAF-965 - BO: Customer profile enhancements Backlog

  • SAF-963 - BO: Advanced Meiro integrations Backlog

  • SAF-955 - BO: Cards PL functionality Backlog

  • SAF-927 - BO: Account enhancements Backlog

  • SAF-952 - BO: (Public) Pesonet - incoming transactions settlement Backlog

  • SAF-950 - Set up external logging for FE Backlog

Documentation and links

Important contacts




User 88745

Product Manager


Jakub Ukrop (Unlicensed)

Tech Lead


User 1eb64



User 461f7

FE Developer


Jan Rychlý (Unlicensed)

FE Developer


User 49d58

FE Developer


User c8455

FE Developer


User af034

FE Developer


User a4ed6

BE Developer

SaFiBank (Unlicensed)

BE Developer


User c1058

FE/BE Developer


User 39bc5

BE Developer


Sebastian Šimků (Unlicensed)

BE Developer


User 84b05

Product Owner

SaFi Bank

Zbyněk Melichar (Unlicensed)

Third-party integration architect

SaFi Bank contractor

GitHub teams

These are used for automatic requesting of PR reviews based on the CODEOWNERS file

Any other important information

Handover checklist

  • Domain overview explained
  • Not completed MVP scope clarified
  • Public launch features explained
  • Documentation sources and their structure clear - Confluence, Jira, Designs
  • Important contacts covered

Outstanding tasks to complete after handover

  • User 88745 to update the MVP scope, unfinished tasks list - on Tuesday after the demo